Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Catching up with the Holidays!

Wow, Reading everyone elses blogs, it appears that we had a very calm and less eventful Christmas week. Thankfully, we all only have one family to celebrate with, since the other halfs are in other states. Only every other Christmas though, do we all get to celebrate together. Actually Terrance and I have been in MO for every Christmas since we have been married. We are talking though, about spending it with my Colorado family next year! 5 years since my last Christmas in snow. This year they truly had a white Christmas, and Im totally Jealous. But I hope it works out, and I am really looking forward to it.
As for our timeline, we just had a really great week all the way around. Christmas day started for us around 8am, and ended around midnght! It was a great time, although our gift opening time had to be broken into small intermissions due to 2 babies who had to be fed! It was great having Carter and Whitney there! Next year will be really fun for us, and for Crysta. I know she is looking forward to having other kiddos to play with. She gets a little restless in the middle.
Crysta got her first real bike. I wanted to get one for her, but decided to wait until her birthday, but the grandparents beat us to it. Which is fine, she really liked it though. So now, we have something to work on, and an excuse to get out.
Here is a slide show of the weekend!

Our New year was good too. We went to dinner with the family, then just hung out at our place with a few friends. Actually, none of them stayed to watch the ball drop. We saw it drop at 11 for NY, but after that they left! haha. Terrance and I were in bed before midnight too. We are some fun people! haha. We spent New Years Day in our PJs. We changed around 3:00 to got to Cold Stone, then again aroun 6pm to get some dinner. I think Carter is getting a cold, and Im starting to feel a small titch of something. What a way to start out the new year. So thats my resolution... DONT GET SICK... Do any of you make resolutions?? I try not to, but I cant say I dont mentally tell myself that this year "I will do.......". However, this year is a little diffrent. I have 2 weddings that I am in in June, so that is motivation to watch what I eat, and try to get out and exercise as much as possible. If Im going to buy 2 bridemaids dresses, Im going to look good in them! haha. But weightloss wasn't the only " I will.." for this year. We shall see. I am very excited for this year. Crysta will be enrolling for preschool, Carter will be turning 1, I have a new niece to spoil, I am inheriting another sister, and 2 of my best friends are getting married. ( congrats to Amanda again!) so I guess thats 3 weddings. My really good friend Amanda from Colorado (the only person from high school I still talk to), called me to tell me that her boyfriend Daniel asked her to marry him at the Avalanche game!! Im so happy for her. She also asked me to be in her wedding. What an honor it is, for someone to ask you to share their big day with them! Im totally excited for all my friends. Brandie, Ann(sis), and Amanda! I love you girls!!
2008 seems to be stocking up to be a big year! I can't wait to see how it all plays out!

1 comment:

LESTER said...

I think Carter will be a wonderful body guard :)