Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Night time prayers

Every night before Crysta goes to sleep, our routine is something like brushing teeth, putting on PJ's, picking out a story, prayers, then kisses goodnight. Last night after all of that I asked Crysta what she wanted to pray for and this is just about how it went:
Carter: To help him feel better
Daddy: To help his back to feel better
Me(Crysta): To help me be happy and good
Tawn, D, and Whit: to help them be thankful
Terrill and Steph: To help them be cheerful
Jeff, Jen, Blake, and Austin: To help them not get cut (don't ask me)
Matt and Les: To be happy
and finally the kicker
Grandma and Grandpa: For Grandpa to get really old!

Nothing is sweet than the innocence of a childs prayer. but this is not the only time she prays for all of you! Just about everynight our list is that long. Just so you all know how much you mean to her, and just what kind of presence you have in my babys life. Thank you for being such a wonderful part of Crysta and Carters life!


LESTER said...

Awwwww. How cute! I laughed and it brought tears to my eyes it is so sweet.

Jen said...

I am truley in tears. I love Crysta (Carter too) so much. Would you mind investigating the not get cut thing just in case there's something I need to watch out for. LOL.
We can see so much of God's true beauty in the eyes (and ears and mouth) of a child! I am greatful for Crysta and her beautiful family in my life.