Hey All my beloved blog fans! haha, just kidding. Heres an update on my progression, or lack there of.. I went to see my doctor today.... yep, thats about it, since nothing has changed really. My due date is in 2 days, and she was confident last week, that I would have this baby on my own by then. Today's news however, stiffled my fire a little. I am still diated to 4 cm. she stripped my membranes, yet again, for the 3rd painful time. She told me to go walk around the mall about a billion times, and try anything else that would put me into labor. Like most doctors she is an advocae for not inducing, PERIOD. Last week, she told me that the latest she would let me go was the 10th or 11th. Today, she said the 13th-ish. I have an ultrasound apoointmet this friday, if I dont have the baby by then, to check the fluids. If I still don't go into labor on my own, I go back in on Tuesday for another follow-up, and then she said possibly thursday could be the date. She is not on call anymore next week, which is part of the reason why she wont induce me on tuesday. I guess my hope balloon was a little to bloated after last weeks vist, that today's news completely popped the balloon all together. however, the baby seems to be in great health, and the BP, and heart rate are excellent. Which makes me smile. I'm happy that he is still healthy, and there are no complications, which comforts my weary bones! haha
I am trying to not be a complainer, and just stay the course. I know God and the baby will bless us when its the right time, my body is just having a hard time accepting that. I almost broke into tears in the office today when she told me that she would like for me to go the full 41 1/2 weeks.. I stood my ground, and said no. I guess all I can do is bite the bullett, and be patient. Try not to dwell on sleepless nights, terrible heart burn, and the humungus watermellon I have! haha. I know other women have had worse pregnancies than me, and I truly am grateful for how easy it has been. Im just tired, and ready to have a baby. Sorry to have complained in this blog. I am trying to be as positive as possible. But thats the news for now. No baby yet, if he doesnt come on his own, and as long as Dr. Lynn keeps her word, we should have a baby a week from thursday. cross your fingers for me, and please keep me in your prayers. Thanks for reading! hope you all have a great day..
Oh yeah, P.s. on a happier note, my brother Ray and his girlfriend Jamie are in town for the week. So far it has been wonderful, and Crysta has really enjoyed the attention.
Tina! Try blowing balloons that are really hard to blow up. KInda like you are pushing I guess, The extra pressure will hopefully get the ball rolling. Also my mom said to try castor oil. 2 tablespoons in some orange juice or something. I know it sounds gross but it worked with my sister. Keep ypur head up sister! Things will work out! Love you
Have been checking on you daily and hoping to hear that your boy is here. My mom took a castor oil cocktail at 3:30 and had me at 5:15, just FYI. Hang in there. KNOW how you feel!!
The castor oil thing sounds highly disgusting. Someday a long time from now, you might forget how you feel right now, but I doubt you'd EVER forget the taste of castor oil. Yuck.
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