Today was full of sparatic cleaning, feeding, bouncing, and painting. I did not get as much done as I would have hoped, but I figure getting messy with Crysta painting, and cuddling with Carter while he eats/sleeps, beats housework anyday. Tonight though, after dinner, Terrance, Crysta, Carter, Akira, and I went to J.C. lake to mess around for about an hour. It was perfect outside. Crysta ran non-stop, and Terrance did too. Atleast 2 people in the Newton household will sleep like rocks tongiht! I mostly sat on the bench and fed Carter, and held Akira still, but I really enjoyed watching Terrance and Crysta play. I tried to take some picutres, but since the sun was going down, they didnt turn out too well..
I am looking forward to ladies bible class tomorrow morning. IT will be nice to get out of the house for study and social time with some other women from church. I am also planning on doing SOME cleaning while I am there. I really could use the walking, and Crysta could use to be out of the appartment for a while. We will see how Carter handles it.
Thats about all my thoughts tonight. Just rambles as usual. Thanks for tuning in to Tina's Ramble Station!
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