I can't believe that 4 days ago is when Carter blessed our family. Even though we spent the first 2 days of his life still in the room he was born in, it has gone by so fast! I don't have a lot of pictures to post yet, Im waiting for some copies from when the family had come to see him. but I have taken a few. I really need to get to a camera store to get our video camera fixed. Carter has moments when he just is as alert as can be and smiles. Then when he starts to whine, Cryst is right there stroking his face, whispering in his ear. It's amazing how she loves him, and how he seems to recognize her presence and voice! what a blessing!
He still hasn't gotten used to sleeping on his back in a crib, so we have been letting him sleep in a papsan bouncy seat that vibrates, and he seems to like that more. He is a great eater, and pooper! haha. He really is a great baby. We actually had a funny thing happen yesterday, and Im not portraying anyone in any tainted light! But yesterday Terrance was changing Carters diaper, and accidently grabbed my lanolin cream instead of the vaseline we are supposed to be putting on his 'area'. Since the lanolin cream is extremely thick, it came off fairly easily, but I still rinsed the area and Carter didn't seem to mind laying there without his diaper for a few minuets. I called the Doctors office just to cover my bases. I left a message for Dr. Rogers nurse explaining the situation. They called back about an hour later, and Terrance answerd the phone. He said that the nurse said. " Is this Carters Dad?" "Well, I hear you put lanolin cream on your sons penis, how'd that happen?" I thought it was funny. Terrance just looked at me and asked if I was trying to make his sound retarded! haha. everything is ok though. Carter will have his first appointment with Dr. Rogers tomorrow at 8:30. Anyway, thats the update for now. not a whole lot to report. everyone is fine, and tonight Carter will get his first sponge bath! might make some good pictures! Thank you to all who came to see us in the hospital and called and wrote emails! we appreciate everything. Happy Tuesday!
Oh that's funny about what the nurse said to Terrance. I would of loved to see his face. I'm glad everyone is doing well. Don't hesitate to call if you need anything. We love you!
What a handsome man! I love that Crysta is so helpful and loving, and cute.
GREAT story about Terrance - if I could only count the stories like that over the years in our house... how funny!
I had seen the pics Tawn posted (adorable!) and love the ones you have of Carter and Crysta... precious! Sounds like she's a big help!
I'm thankful you are all home and doing well. Can't wait to meet him!
Love you guys! :-)
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