Well, I can say that there is nothing about what happens to me, can surprise me anymore. Today was Carter's first doctors appointment. Not even thinking, I scheduled it for 8:30 am. I have a hard enough time getting just Crysta and I ready by that time, I didn't even think about having to get 2 kiddos fed and ready to go by 7:45. YIKES! anyway, to start off the day, I slept very well. Carter was a little messy from about 10 pm to 1:45ish. Then he didnt wake me up until 4 to eat. So I figured he would wake me up around 6 or so, then I would just stay up and get me and everything else ready, so I could just get Crysta up, and pump a quick bottle just incase. Well, Carter never woke up, and neither did Terrance. Luckily I woke about 6:45 and had to wake up Terrance.Took Terrance to work and we rushed around, and I had roughly 30 minuets to get Carter fed, changed and dressed, and Crysta up and around. Forget about me.! haha. Then I had to fight with the car seat bcause it takes a few blinks and fairy dust to get it latched to the base. Well I was able to get it done, and get to the doctors office 5 minuets early. I forgot all the new patient paper work, so I had to fill it out again. I didn't take the car seat in with me, because latching the thing in the car is an absolute mess. so here I am holding a baby in one hand, balancing a clip board and trying to write as legibaly as possible, when Crysta tells me that she has to potty.. Ok, no big deal she can wait until this last paper is finished. About 1-2 minuets later, she tells me that she is going to throw up! by the time I believed her, and was charting my corse of action, there she goes spilling gross stomache stuff all over the waiting room floor. Luckily it wasnt very busy, but dropping everything (not the baby of course) I rush her into the bathroom which is outside the office. Grab a few paper towels, make sure she is bent over the toilet, and rushing back out to cover the spot with the p.t. all the while holding my 5 day old son in my arms! I frantically call Brent, becuase I completley spaced Resa's work number, and ask him to call her, I needed help!!! I think I rushed in and out of the office to the bathroom 4 times by the time Resa came to my rescue, I ended up asking one of the nurses to hold Carter, so I could scrub the floor. never getting my paper work done, and they call us in! Apparantly Crysta just had a moment, cause she is feeling much better. My morning started without question a little bumpy! haha.
But great news, Carter has regained all the weight, and is back to his birthweight, which really shocked Dr. Rogers, since he said it takes atleast 2 weeks for that to happen. His 'area' is healing great, and his jaundice is almost gone. I did notice however, while he was being checked that our little Carter has a birth mark. Not really sure the doctors noticed, or they would have said something. But its at the base of his hairline on his neck. Its not a hemangioma like Crysta had, its a birthmark. Thought that was interesting! Anyway, things have calmed down, and after making a few stops so Crysta could show off her brother, and pay her Daddy a visit for lunch, we are home. and chillin, and I thought I would take some more pictures. I also go the copies of pictures that were taken at the hospital. Lots to share! Well, I better get goin. just wanted to share my eventful life once again. At this point nothing will surprise me, I think I have had just about everything happen to me this past week or so. But hey, it makes for some great blog stories!
Bless your heart, what a morning! I laughed out loud though, because I COMPLETELY understand about your car seat. I noticed yours last night, because we have that one, and it's seriously like you have to blink five times, wiggle your nose, and then stand on one foot while you sprinkle the fairy dust everywhere, and then MAYBE it'll latch.
Okay that makes me not want to have kids at all right now. You're my hero and all of those other great moms too.
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