Friday, September 28, 2007

Friday's Dose..

WOW! Already 2 weeks have past, and it seems like yesterday we were welcoming home the 4th member of our family! Its still hard to believe that I am 24 years old, and I have been marred for 4 years, and have 2 wonderful children! Some say to me that I am too young to have already gone through these stages, but I couldn't have imagined my life any diffrent. I guess its all in the eye of the beholder, but I am very satisfied with my life, and how it has turned out for me so far! A little blabber fom my head again, and on that note here is my 5 for Friday!

Time with my Kiddos! Yesterday, Crysta, Carter and I went for a walk. Since we are limited to 1 car, walking will be my mode of transport most of the time. I think total we walked a little under 2 miles, and Crysta surprisingly walked the whole way with me. We walked to the gas station and got bug juices and popsicles. then we sat under the treee by the fire department, and rested. Then we walked all the way home. It was nice to get out, but I also realized what a talker Crysta is. I enjoy our conversations, even if it is on a 3 year old level! Just being with them is so wonderful.
Exercise! along with the walk yesterday, I took Tawns place on the kickball team. It was nice to get out and run a little. I didn't do too terrible, so that also wa a bounus. To gloat a little, I was 4 for 4, with 2 RKI's. (runs kicked in). Whoo hoo!
Couples Retreat! I know that we aren't able to go this year, but I am really excited for the couples that do get to go. Its a wonderful time for hubbys to spend time together, and maybe figure some things out. Its also a great oppertunity to get to know other couples in the church. I understnad that there are a lot of new couples this year. I hope everyone has a great weekend!
Sleep! I know this has been on a lot of my thankful thoughts latley, but as a new mommy I need it. Carter is such a great sleeper, which is good and bad for me. But I will take the 3 am pumpings for a few extra hours of shut eye. Crysta was also worn out from yesterday, so she sletpt very well!
Caffeine! ok, on a side note, I had to look at the side of my Diet. DP to see how to spell Caffeine! haha.. Anyway, Leslie had given me a Dunn Bros gift card for my birthday, and I have used it a lot this past week! I LOVE Dunn Bros!!
I hope that everyone has a great weekend! We are finally getting our newborn pictures taken on Sunday afternoon! I can't wait to see what Jill does!! so that means that announcements will be coming soon! YEAH!!

Monday, September 24, 2007

Fresh Air~

Today was full of sparatic cleaning, feeding, bouncing, and painting. I did not get as much done as I would have hoped, but I figure getting messy with Crysta painting, and cuddling with Carter while he eats/sleeps, beats housework anyday. Tonight though, after dinner, Terrance, Crysta, Carter, Akira, and I went to J.C. lake to mess around for about an hour. It was perfect outside. Crysta ran non-stop, and Terrance did too. Atleast 2 people in the Newton household will sleep like rocks tongiht! I mostly sat on the bench and fed Carter, and held Akira still, but I really enjoyed watching Terrance and Crysta play. I tried to take some picutres, but since the sun was going down, they didnt turn out too well..
I am looking forward to ladies bible class tomorrow morning. IT will be nice to get out of the house for study and social time with some other women from church. I am also planning on doing SOME cleaning while I am there. I really could use the walking, and Crysta could use to be out of the appartment for a while. We will see how Carter handles it.
Thats about all my thoughts tonight. Just rambles as usual. Thanks for tuning in to Tina's Ramble Station!

Friday, September 21, 2007

Fridays dose of Thankfulness

Hey all, I just have so much to write about lately my head is about to burst, but I think there may be some blog law somewhere of only so many posts in a 24 hour span. I had a tear jerkin funny happen to me yesterday, and almost ran straight to my computer to write about it, then I Thought, 'wait a minuet, I'm totally addicted to blogging' 'I think I need B. A. (Bloggers Annonymous)'. Haha. So I will just have to tell you all about it if you are interested and limit this blog to my thankful thoughts!
1. Generous people: There are meals that are being provided for us for past week, and the next week to follow. Its a HUGE help to have someone willing to prepare an entire meal for you, but it is also very thoughtful, and we are extremely thankful for the kindness, compassion, and great food! Terrance is getting spoiled, so I guess I might have to keep this up!
2. Clorox disinfectant wipes: Along with the story I noted earlier, I almost had to empty an entire container of wipes in my bedroom yesterday. Lets just say that if poop and pee from a week old baby had a race, I think they would tie! funny stuff!
3. Great laughs: This entire week has been full of happy and funny memories! I guess boys naturally are just born with the capability to surprise us at every turn, but also I got an email from Leslie about a funny lizard story. First thing I read this moring, and I was laughing so hard that tears were litterally falling from my eyes. I haven't laughed that hard in a long time!
4. Outside Time: Crysta, Carter and I were able to go with Terrance to their kickball game. Crysta enjoyed the running room, Carter enjoyed a great snooze in the warm weather, and I enjpyed it ALL! I look at myself in the mirror and some pale 'skinnier' person is staring back at me. funny sight to see. So I guess to feel more normal I have to get a tan, and eat a lot to get my belly back. Not really, but the tan part might not be a bad idea. Caspers my name until then!
5. Everything: Seems pretty vague but I have so many things I am thankful for like, a healthy 1 week old (today) baby boy, who just melts my heart anytime I look at him. A very courageous and energetic 3 soon to be 4 year old daughter who makes me proud everyday. A wonderful husband who sits up with a 'fussy' baby at midnight so I can grab an extra hour of sleep, even though he has to go to work early. and just being surrounded by such wonderful people. So many things to be thanful for!
Thats my 5 (hundred). hope you all had a thankful and blessed week, and an even better weekend!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Whoo hoo.

AHH, Sleep! I don't want to curse myself by saying this, but I think I have been blessed with a sleeper baby! Carter slept from 2-6 last night! WOW!! I think it took Crysta maybe 4 months to do even that! haha. But he has a time span where either his belly aches or he is just fussy, and its between 11pm-1 or 2 am. but other than that, he is awesome! We also were given a swaddler blanket (thanks Jen), and he LOVES it, It think it is my new best friend! its so easy, and since Carter likes to be swaddled, tightly, its just what I need.
Crysta was able to show him off at church last night, and its all she could talk about when we got home. Walking into the church, Crysta looked up at Terrance and said, "Ok Dad, its time to take my baby inside and show him off". I am so happy that she is so proud. She loves him so much, and as far as I can see there is no jealousy or competition. Which is wonderful! We are blessed with people bringing us supper for the next week, and I think Terrance is getting spoiled. We have had more awesome meals this week, than I think he has had throughout our 4 years together! Thank you to everyone! Well there isnt much to report, I think we might take an hour or so this afternoon, and maybe take a short walk. Since I dont have a double stroller Crysta might have to walk, but it will be good for her, she has tons of energy to burn since she has been cooped in here for 4 days! I love being a mommy of two beautiful children! I can't even count my blessings!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Nothing Surprises Me

Well, I can say that there is nothing about what happens to me, can surprise me anymore. Today was Carter's first doctors appointment. Not even thinking, I scheduled it for 8:30 am. I have a hard enough time getting just Crysta and I ready by that time, I didn't even think about having to get 2 kiddos fed and ready to go by 7:45. YIKES! anyway, to start off the day, I slept very well. Carter was a little messy from about 10 pm to 1:45ish. Then he didnt wake me up until 4 to eat. So I figured he would wake me up around 6 or so, then I would just stay up and get me and everything else ready, so I could just get Crysta up, and pump a quick bottle just incase. Well, Carter never woke up, and neither did Terrance. Luckily I woke about 6:45 and had to wake up Terrance.Took Terrance to work and we rushed around, and I had roughly 30 minuets to get Carter fed, changed and dressed, and Crysta up and around. Forget about me.! haha. Then I had to fight with the car seat bcause it takes a few blinks and fairy dust to get it latched to the base. Well I was able to get it done, and get to the doctors office 5 minuets early. I forgot all the new patient paper work, so I had to fill it out again. I didn't take the car seat in with me, because latching the thing in the car is an absolute mess. so here I am holding a baby in one hand, balancing a clip board and trying to write as legibaly as possible, when Crysta tells me that she has to potty.. Ok, no big deal she can wait until this last paper is finished. About 1-2 minuets later, she tells me that she is going to throw up! by the time I believed her, and was charting my corse of action, there she goes spilling gross stomache stuff all over the waiting room floor. Luckily it wasnt very busy, but dropping everything (not the baby of course) I rush her into the bathroom which is outside the office. Grab a few paper towels, make sure she is bent over the toilet, and rushing back out to cover the spot with the p.t. all the while holding my 5 day old son in my arms! I frantically call Brent, becuase I completley spaced Resa's work number, and ask him to call her, I needed help!!! I think I rushed in and out of the office to the bathroom 4 times by the time Resa came to my rescue, I ended up asking one of the nurses to hold Carter, so I could scrub the floor. never getting my paper work done, and they call us in! Apparantly Crysta just had a moment, cause she is feeling much better. My morning started without question a little bumpy! haha.
But great news, Carter has regained all the weight, and is back to his birthweight, which really shocked Dr. Rogers, since he said it takes atleast 2 weeks for that to happen. His 'area' is healing great, and his jaundice is almost gone. I did notice however, while he was being checked that our little Carter has a birth mark. Not really sure the doctors noticed, or they would have said something. But its at the base of his hairline on his neck. Its not a hemangioma like Crysta had, its a birthmark. Thought that was interesting! Anyway, things have calmed down, and after making a few stops so Crysta could show off her brother, and pay her Daddy a visit for lunch, we are home. and chillin, and I thought I would take some more pictures. I also go the copies of pictures that were taken at the hospital. Lots to share! Well, I better get goin. just wanted to share my eventful life once again. At this point nothing will surprise me, I think I have had just about everything happen to me this past week or so. But hey, it makes for some great blog stories!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Already been 4 Days

I can't believe that 4 days ago is when Carter blessed our family. Even though we spent the first 2 days of his life still in the room he was born in, it has gone by so fast! I don't have a lot of pictures to post yet, Im waiting for some copies from when the family had come to see him. but I have taken a few. I really need to get to a camera store to get our video camera fixed. Carter has moments when he just is as alert as can be and smiles. Then when he starts to whine, Cryst is right there stroking his face, whispering in his ear. It's amazing how she loves him, and how he seems to recognize her presence and voice! what a blessing!
He still hasn't gotten used to sleeping on his back in a crib, so we have been letting him sleep in a papsan bouncy seat that vibrates, and he seems to like that more. He is a great eater, and pooper! haha. He really is a great baby. We actually had a funny thing happen yesterday, and Im not portraying anyone in any tainted light! But yesterday Terrance was changing Carters diaper, and accidently grabbed my lanolin cream instead of the vaseline we are supposed to be putting on his 'area'. Since the lanolin cream is extremely thick, it came off fairly easily, but I still rinsed the area and Carter didn't seem to mind laying there without his diaper for a few minuets. I called the Doctors office just to cover my bases. I left a message for Dr. Rogers nurse explaining the situation. They called back about an hour later, and Terrance answerd the phone. He said that the nurse said. " Is this Carters Dad?" "Well, I hear you put lanolin cream on your sons penis, how'd that happen?" I thought it was funny. Terrance just looked at me and asked if I was trying to make his sound retarded! haha. everything is ok though. Carter will have his first appointment with Dr. Rogers tomorrow at 8:30. Anyway, thats the update for now. not a whole lot to report. everyone is fine, and tonight Carter will get his first sponge bath! might make some good pictures! Thank you to all who came to see us in the hospital and called and wrote emails! we appreciate everything. Happy Tuesday!

Saturday, September 15, 2007


Pictures will be posted soon, I promise, although many of you have already seen our new addition CARTER JAY NEWTON! thats the name! Terrance, Crysta, and I became a proud family of 4 yesterday, Friday, September 14th at 11:15 am. Carter weighed a whoppin' 8lbs 13 oz, and was 21 inches long! out did Crysta by almost a full pound and 2 inches! I guess I can see why everyone thought I looked so much bigger than I did with Crysta! haha. The journey here was very interesting, painful,gross and extremely fast. I guess I will bore you all with my little exciting story. It all started monday morning, while I was cleaning our kitchen floor. I bent over to sweep up my dirt pile and backed my back end up right into the corner of my table. I must have hit a spot just right, becuase it took only two days for a little sore spot to swell into a huge welt, that kept me from walking normal and sitting straight. By thursday morning, I was in almost unbearable pain, so I decided to go see a doctor. Right after making my appointment, the welt on my backside broke open and oozed. almost instantly it felt better, and I debated canceling my appointment. Glad I didn't. I walked in the doctors office and about 15 minuets after that, they were admiting me into the hospital, and getting a surgeon lined up to take a look at what they called an 'Absess'. to make a Long GROSS story shorter, the surgeon ended up scrapping out a tunnel of dead tissue, patching it up, and shooting me up with tons of antibiotics.
On to Friday. about 5:12 am was my first drip of pitocin into my IV. since I havent been getting to much sleep lately, and since I was sort of 'high' on pain killers, I slept through most of the beginnings of my labor. We all were ready to have a baby, so about 10:00 am, I decide to stop laying down and stand up. Well I picked a bad time to do it, because since it seemed I wasn't progressing at a fast rate, Terrance decided to run home really fast and let our dog Akira out. Well, Im sure he wasnt even home yet, when my contractions were about 1-2 minuets apart, rapidly increasing, and getting much stronger. I was by myself for about 5 minuets with painful contractions before a woman from our church, who works at the hospital came in to see how we were doing. Noticing my labor, and the fact that I was alone, she stayed with me. I paged the nurse to tell her that I was ready for the epidural, but about 20 minuets went by before she came. By that point, my contractions were less than a minuet apart, and she thought that she would break my water. (Terrance is still gone). Valerie called Terrance right as my water broke, and he was on his way. 20 minuets and no epidural later we heard the first cry of our precious baby boy. So I am proud to say, even though it wasn't by my choice, that I have had a child with no drugs! I highly respect any woman who does that. The bible does say that you forget the pains of labor the second the child is placed in your arms, and it is so true. No pain can over power the feeling of hearing your baby cry the second of coming out of your womb. The rest of the 'labor process' was OK. I won't explain it in detail, but everything is healing properly.
So here I am still in the room they admitted me in on Thursday, writting a blog, becuase Tawn and Darron were nice enough to lend me their laptop for my 4 day stay here. Carter and Terrance are watching the Cubs Cardinals game, and we are highly anticipating going home tomorrow. Update on Carter, he is eating very well, and he had a slight heart murmur after he was born, but that is all gone. He is very alert when he is awake, and he smiles and coos all the time. He hasn't shown any signs of my Group B Strep affecting him. He is scheduled to be circumsized at 8 am tomorrow morning, and we are hoping to be home by lunch. Crysta is VERY proud, and just loves on him, and tells him she loves him all the time. I am so happy that she has taken to him the way she has. I think everyone will have some competition for his attention with her around. We appreciate everyone who came to see us in the hospital. We are anxious to show off our little man. We wont be able to be at church tomorrow, but I hear that Crysta will be showing off a picture of her new little brother. I wish I could be there to see it. I can not explain the joy I feel right now. I am amazed that we are such a blessed family, and I just Thank God for the MANY ways he has blessed us.
More to be posted. I am going to sleep, and get ready to finally leave this hospital a little smaller and pain free than when I entered. haha. Thank you to everyone! stay tunned for more posts!

Sunday, September 9, 2007

All is good

I did it!!!! I went straight to walmart after signing off the internet Saturday afternoon, and bought me a bottle of Castor Oil! I really wasnt sure how much to take, since the websites I visited said diffrent amounts, so I thought I would start small, just in case something big happend either way. I mixed 3 teaspoons with some Coke and took shots until the oil was completley out of the cup! The websites said to hold your breath, and just take it fast so you dont taste the oil. So I did, but let me tell you that the burps to follow probably did not do justice. The after burp taste was down right nasty. Good thing I was by myself, so no one had to suffer with the sounds! However, other than some nausia, nothing happend. Nothing good or bad. I had 1 contraction the rest of the night. I am pretty sure that I did not take enough, but honestly I didnt put much faith in it. So Im not disappointed, but very happy that I didnt have diahrea all night. So now I can say that I have tried Castor Oil. What a great memory! haha, Im just glad it wasnt as bad as I thought it was going to be.
This week is pretty full of things to do, so I think it will go by fast. I am just so excited that we will definatly be welcoming our little guy to the world on Friday. My Dad and Grandpa should be here by thursday for the birth. It will be great to see them. Our visit with Ray and Jamie went well. We didnt do much, but its always good to just spend time with family. Anyway, I hope everyone has a great week. Thanks for reading!

Saturday, September 8, 2007


Another update from the Newton Home.. Obviously I have not and did not have the baby on his anticipated due date. I did go to the doctors this past Friday for a BPP ultrasound, and to talk with Dr. Lynn about setting up a date for inducing me. A BPP ultrasound is just a routine check on the babys breathing, movement, and the fluid surrounding him. Thankfully he passed with flying colors. 8 out of 8 to be exact! Which is great, and I also am still 4 cm dialated. So no big change in my progression. We talked to Dr. Lynn about a good time to induce me. Since she is not on call at all next week, she will not be delivering the baby, which stinks but she wont let me wait until the following week. We set it up for Friday September 14th. We have to be at Labor and Delivery in the hospital at 6:00 am that morning. hopefully if all goes well, we should have a baby by that night. However, I mentioned in my last blog, that I was considering taking Castor Oil to induce my own labor. I chickend out at the check out counter at Walmart yesterday. But I have been reading a lot of diffrent websites to get insight on other womens experiences with the nasty stuff. So far the majority of the comments are strongly encouraging the use of it.. SO, after I write this, I will be heading to the store to buy a bottle of it. By the time most of you read this, I will have already taken it, and there might be another blog after this one cursing myself for even thinking of it, or there won't be another blog, because the oil worked and I will be in the hospital with the baby. HEY, I know most of you are shaking your heads, thinking Im crazy and I will die of diaharea, but most of you know that I will try just about anything for the sake of trying it. I will not do anything unhealthy or dangerous to the baby to induce labor, which is why I have checked online for so long. Because even though I am very uncomfortable, I do not want to do anything harmful to me or the baby.
Anyway, those are my thoughts on that. Wish me luck,and I give you all permission to laugh at me if this turns out terribly wrong. BOTTOMS UP!!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Fat, Frustrated, and Stretched to the MAX!

Hey All my beloved blog fans! haha, just kidding. Heres an update on my progression, or lack there of.. I went to see my doctor today.... yep, thats about it, since nothing has changed really. My due date is in 2 days, and she was confident last week, that I would have this baby on my own by then. Today's news however, stiffled my fire a little. I am still diated to 4 cm. she stripped my membranes, yet again, for the 3rd painful time. She told me to go walk around the mall about a billion times, and try anything else that would put me into labor. Like most doctors she is an advocae for not inducing, PERIOD. Last week, she told me that the latest she would let me go was the 10th or 11th. Today, she said the 13th-ish. I have an ultrasound apoointmet this friday, if I dont have the baby by then, to check the fluids. If I still don't go into labor on my own, I go back in on Tuesday for another follow-up, and then she said possibly thursday could be the date. She is not on call anymore next week, which is part of the reason why she wont induce me on tuesday. I guess my hope balloon was a little to bloated after last weeks vist, that today's news completely popped the balloon all together. however, the baby seems to be in great health, and the BP, and heart rate are excellent. Which makes me smile. I'm happy that he is still healthy, and there are no complications, which comforts my weary bones! haha
I am trying to not be a complainer, and just stay the course. I know God and the baby will bless us when its the right time, my body is just having a hard time accepting that. I almost broke into tears in the office today when she told me that she would like for me to go the full 41 1/2 weeks.. I stood my ground, and said no. I guess all I can do is bite the bullett, and be patient. Try not to dwell on sleepless nights, terrible heart burn, and the humungus watermellon I have! haha. I know other women have had worse pregnancies than me, and I truly am grateful for how easy it has been. Im just tired, and ready to have a baby. Sorry to have complained in this blog. I am trying to be as positive as possible. But thats the news for now. No baby yet, if he doesnt come on his own, and as long as Dr. Lynn keeps her word, we should have a baby a week from thursday. cross your fingers for me, and please keep me in your prayers. Thanks for reading! hope you all have a great day..
Oh yeah, P.s. on a happier note, my brother Ray and his girlfriend Jamie are in town for the week. So far it has been wonderful, and Crysta has really enjoyed the attention.