Wow, where to begin. I am lagging on my blogging, so I will try to catch up the best I can. Crysta's 4th Birthday was October 6th. We took her to Chuck E. Cheese's on Friday to celebrate. She had so much fun climbing in their jungle area, and riding the rides. She's not so much a game girl. I don't think she has the intrest, patience or attention span long enough to play them. But she enjoyed the atmosphere I think. We invited Madison Wheeler to come along to, so Crysta could have a playmate. They played together twards the end, but in the beginning, there was jus to much to do I think.. All in all, it was a great night! Saturday, Terrance, Carter and I took Crysta out to lunch then to the pet store (Petco). Crysta LOVES to go there and look at all the animals. We let her do her usual looking, then told her that her surprise was that she could pick out a fish to take home. She picked a pretty blue beta fish with matching blue marble to go in the bowl. Funny thing is, the fish looks exactly like my first fish that Terrance bought me. RIP Mushoo! Anyway, Crysta named him Nemo and made his home on her nightstand right next to her bed. Saturday night, family came over for dinner and cupcakes that Crysta decorated all by herself. She did an awesome job!
Carter is doing great! He had a doctors appointment Tuesday for an oozing belly button, and diahrea. The belly button turned out to be extra scar tissue. Dr. Rogers put silver nitrate on it, and said it should clear in a day or two. Last night, it looked like it had rubbed against something, or it was stuck to his clothes then got ripped off. It was red and raw looking, and he seemed to fuss anytime we got near it. Hopefully it will be ok. It looks better this morning. As for the diahrea. Several tests were done to see what the cause could be. Turns out, he has some microscopic bleeding in his stool, and the protien in dairy is thought to be the cause. I have been told to cut out dairy for the remainder of the week. Already he seems to be less gassy, and his stool is thickening. However, I also was instructed to cut back on the frequent feedings. Another cause for the diahrea and spitting up, is he is overloading on the 'formilk'. which is baisically more water than nutrients. Our little guy now weighs a whoppin 11.5 lbs and is 23 inches long. Looks like we are going to have another tall child! He is doing well otherwise, and is still sleeping good! We are very blessed.
This weekend we are going to Branson for MeMaw and Papaw Newtons 60th anniversary. Terrance isn't to happy, but he will survive. Im excited to get to use my seasons pass to Silver Dollar City for the 2nd time this year. But this time, I can ride the rides! WHOOHOO!! he weather has been cooling off, so hopefully it wont be too cold this weekend.
Pictures of all our events will hopefully be posted soon.
I can't wai to see pictures of the birthday and this upcoming weekend. Have a great time in Branson!
LOVE SDC in the fall! Hope you guys have great time celebrating Clif and Wilma's big 60!!
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