GOOD MORNING~ It certianly has been a crazy week here in the Newton household. Terrance is still sick with a sore throat, Im getting a head cold, and Carters gas is back. Crysta on the other hand is dandy! A quick recap on a few things..
We spent last weekend in Branson for MeMaw and PaPaws 60th wedding anniversary. The Newton and Mitchell family shared a really nice condo, that I really didn't feel we got to enjoy very much.Guess we will have to save up some mulah and head back there one weekend. We spent saturday in Silver Dollar City. SO FUN. Terrance stayed at the condo because he wasn't feeling well at all. He is not one to show sickness or pain, so I knew he really wasn't feeling well when he couldnt even fake it. Terrill and I rode rides together, since Tawn can't and Steph isn't a big rides fan. IT was a lot of fun to get on a ride again. It was a great weekend with the family.
Monday was spent trying to get Carter back in his routine, and sterilizing our appartnemt. Terrance stayed home from work, so he stayed in our bedroom all day. All he needed was a bell to ring for assistance! He still isn't 100% but hopefully a weekend of rest will get him there.
I have come to the conclusion that between the hours of 6:30 and 7:30 AM are Carters "Happy Hour". The pictures that will be posted are proof of that. Every morning this week between that time, he is wide awake, smiling, and occasionally laughing. I really enjoy sitting on the couch and pretending like he is smiling at the funny faces Im making. Someday.
I have decided that one night a week I will make a dish that I have never made before. Im calling it "New Tuesdays". Original huh? Im really getting into cooking, and thought it would be something diffrent and fun. I also have an idea that I will run by friends, as soon as I hash out the details. But it will be something in the form of cooking, friends, and a weeks worth of prepared meals.. My friend Jennifer Crow gave me the idea.. We will see where my crazy brain takes it, and if anyone is interested. Oh, and if anyonne has a better name for my new meal night, Im open for all ideas!
Crysta and I have been walking to the church together. The weather has been extrodinary and I really enjoy the girl time. Lauren Hankins gave me a Peanut Shell which is basically a sling to carry your baby. LOVE IT, now that I finally figured it out. So Carter rides in that as Crysta and I walk. My time with Crysta is precious, and I love watching her amazment in the little things that we find along the way. We also get to do some great girl talk that consists of a lot of 'Why' questions and Knock Knock jokes. I will never get these times back, so Im living it up, and writting every little thing in her journal. I reccomend that to anyone who has kiddos, or is having, or plan on having them. Write in a journal, sort of as a letter to them about the things they do. I will give Crysta hers either when she goes to college or gets married. Im about to start Carters too. Its something to do right before bed, and a way to remminise about my time with them. Just another way to appreciate the Lords blessing of little children in my life. there is nothing sweeter.
Anyway, my next post will be 2 slide shows. One of Crystas birthday at Chuck E. Cheese's and the other of some of my favorite pictures of Carter. It's about time right?
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