Sunday, August 12, 2007

So Wonderful

Nothing is really behind this blog today. Just a few thoughts I thought I would jot down. Today our church held a "Wedding Shower" if you want to call it that for Carey and Julie. Our church never surprises me in its eagerness to come together to celebrate with individuals, or its eagerness to help people in need. Instead of doing a typical, register, gift shower, we did a "money/ card tree". Carey and Julie aren't people who want a big fuss made out of them, but we couldnt let them off that easy. Jen and Leslie came up with the idea of doing a "Soon to be Newlywed" game. they were each asked 8 questions, and had to guess what they other answerd about them. It was funny, but honeslty they know eachother better than most married couples who have been married for 10 years.
I find encouragment when I look at the two of them. They are both striving in the same direction, and they are probably some of the most kind, generous, and happy people I know. Definatly meant to be together, and just to see how in EVERYTHING they do, is centerd around the Lord, is a great example to everyone who notices. I couldn't think of a better match. It's so wonderful to see God's children join together like they have, and you just know, it's meant to be.
Another thing about today, is I have had more comments about my size, then I have throught my entire pregnancy thus far. But to my surprise, it wasn't so much the women as it has been in the past, today it was all their husbands! comments like "WOW, you look like your gonna pop" or grabbing my arm and whispering in my ear " Two or Three?" Sometimes its funny, but after about 3 hours of passing people and just about everyone makes some sort of comment, really gets to the point of my smile and joking laugh are forced and faked. I know they mean no harm, but honestly, when a woman is 9 months pregnant and already miserable, adding those 'Your HUGE" comments doesnt help the situation. I will be jumping for joy (litterally) once our son is born! I think the first thing I will do when the epidural wears off is sit-ups! not really but you get my point.
Tomorrow Tawn and Darron get to see their blessing for the first time. I can't explain that feeling of seeing what you've created, and God has blessed you with for the first time. there is nothing like it. We still aren't sure if they will find out. It's their buisness, but we all have our speculations! guess thats it for now, until next time!......


LESTER said...

I think you look great pregnant! You look cute! Maybe that's why people feel like they should comment, because you just look so good. Of crouse I have never been in that situation, but I bet most 9 months pregnant ladies get the same comments. Well, I can't wait to meet the new guy. He's gonna be so cute. Have a great week!

DonnaMarie said...

I agree with everything you said about the shower and CT and Julie!

As for the pregnant comments... you look beautiful! I know how it feels to be in the 9th month and getting all the 'big belly' comments. Pretty soon you'll have your baby boy to love on, and all of those comments will be long forgotten! :-)