hey all!! well this is just an update on a few matters. first of all, i had a doctors appointment yesterday (tuesday). i am 3 cm dialated, and having a few contractions. nothing major, just a few here and there. dr. lynn thought that scrapping my membranes might help get the labor ball rolling, so we did that. nothing to drastic yet, but a lot of cramping, and i am unbelievably sore today. so, cross your fingers that it will help, and we didnt just do that for poops and giggles.
today was a busy day. i started the day by cleaning out our storage room. i wont tell you everything i did, becuase i know that some of you will personally beat me up! but i got that finished in about an hour before the heat kicked in. secondly, i went and borrowed the steam cleaner that brent Rented for the church, so i could clean our carpets before lil' bucket comes. but i however, can't just have a simple task without biting off more than i can chew. what started out as just cleaning the carpets turned into completley rearranging our bedroom. again, i won't go into detail on what i did, to save myself from a rear whoppin. just know that i didn't do anything i couldnt. but now some furniture is in diffrent places, our new pack n play is assembled, and the carpets are clean. if its any comfort, terrance scolded me when he got home, for 'doing to much'. he never sees limits for anyone, especially his wife who is 9 months prego. so maybe seeing the way he reacted may have said that i did a little more than i should. but, instead of asking me to prepare supper, he decided to take his girls out. it was nice to get out for a while, and eat some really good food. now if i can just break him in on the foot or back rubs i will be in great shape! haha.
i write all that to say this. nothing is working to put me in labor. i tried bowling on saturday night, nothing. havin the doctor painfully scrape my membranes, nothing. scrubbing 4 bathrooms and mopping, nothing. cleaning out a storage room, and moving a bunch of boxes, nothing. rearranging our bedroom, nothing. steam cleaning all the carpets in our appartment, nothing. i know the Lord will bless us with our little guy when its time, i just like to think that i can help the situation! :-)
we are ready to have him with us. all his clothes are put away, and crib is cleaned out. the carpets are cleaned, and im thinking about putting the carseat in the trunk just in case. all we need is lil bucket. ok thats all for now, sorry to blab. i hope everyone has a great week!
1 comment:
Maybe you don't feel any affects from all that effort, but it makes me hurt inside just to think about you doing all that, carrying that 9lb bowling ball in front! You need a shirt that describes you.....WONDERWOMAN!!!
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