Thursday, February 14, 2008

Everyone else is doing it!

OK, so I'm the last one to blog about Les's great idea of 5 things I have learned. Now, Im not sure the time frame we are talking about, becuase I have learned ALOT!! hehe. But I thought today would be a great day to do it, becuase its turning out to be a testing day..

1. That my marrige will never be a fairy tale, and I shouldn't hold my expectations to a impossibly high level. It takes so much work, love, communication, and understanding on both sides to make one work, I can't always expect things to be easy or handled for me.
1a. That I love being married to Terrance. He challenges me in so many ways (not always good) but thats what makes him him, me me, and our marrige the way it is. And I wouldnt trade any of it for anything diffrent.

2. That patience is a constant need in my daily life. With 2 little ones, and the days when they are both screaming at the same time, or when Carter is especially fussy, or when Crysta just loves to push my buttons, patience is what gets me through,although it is something that I need more of.

3. That being a Mommy is the best job in the whole world. I was very close to my Mom growing up, and I want to be that for my children. I enjoy every minuet I get with them, and try to never miss a second of anything. It also gives me a great excuse to watch cartoons, and color withouth looking weird!

4. To hold your friends and family dear. Since moving to Jeff City, I have made some great friends, and inherited some wonderful family. I am so blessed to be able to spend all the time with them (you all) that I can. However, since moving here, I have also learned to hold your family that is living away from you, just as close. I miss my family in Colorado. My brothers, my Dad, and even my Mom. Its a rare thing for both sides of the family to live in one place, but no matter the distance always show your friends and family how much they mean to you.

5. The 5th thing that I have learned that I will write about today is I love food way to much. In high school I tried to be annorexic. Not sure how many of you know that. I didnt eat for about 3 weeks, then one day at track practice I fainted, and realized how stupid I was. But Im always trying the latest diet or eating program. Always trying to fix myself. but I have come to realize that I just love food way to much to not eat it. It makes me happy and I enjoy eating it!
5a. That I need to stop focusing on my physical being, and put my energy in more prductve areas. I will never be a model, and I dont want to be. But I need to stop trying to always loose weight, or fix my face. Deep down I am happy with myself, I just need to learn to accept that.

Enough of that. I think I spilled to many beans this time! Hope everyone is having a great day of LOVE!! Happy Valentines Day!! I love you all!!


ran said...

You are a beautiful woman! Just remember that when we - the outside world - look at you, we don't see hair, skin, fat, skinny - the real you shines out through your eyes. We see the heart. The heart comes through in your words and actions, and that is the Tina that everyone sees and loves.

Have a conversation with a good friend, then 5 minutes after you walk away, try to remember what they were wearing - did they have on their glasses or contacts? How was she wearing her hair today? Generally, you can't remember, because that isn't what you notice about them. You see their eyes and their heart. You have a beautiful heart and I love that about you.

DonnaMarie said...

I agree with everything Resa said. She is so right! You are such a beautiful person - in every way. But, the heart of a person is where true beauty lies, and that's what people see and love so much about you!

And I also agree with what you've learned about keeping your family and friends close and always letting them know how much they mean to you - no matter the distance between you. So important!