I haven't posted a 5 for Friday in a long time, and thought today I would.
1. Crysta and Carter. I love the fact that no matter what is happening around them, they are always so joyful and stress free. It makes me take a step back and look at myself. I need to strive to be like them in my attitude twards certian situations. Plus they always brighten me up when I see them. Not a moment goes by that they don't make me laugh or just enjoy their company!
2. Sister Time. I was so excited when Tawn told me that she was going to stay home with Whitney. I love being able to spend time with the both of them. Tawn uplifts me, even when she doesn't realize shes doing anything. I am so thankful that I have such a wonderful sister to share my thoughts with, and now someone who will sit with me at the mall, while Crysta plays! Thanks Tawn!
3. The Bible. I never really appreciated the Bible until recently. One day I was driving home, and ran inside for a minuet and when I came out, Crysta was reading her childrens bible, and she knew what story it was. I find her doing this often and I thought to myself that everyone should find joy and inspriation from reading the Bible, and decided that I was going to have a moment in the morning to myself with my Bible and just study. I really enjoy it, and I have never done it before, its really refreshing.
4. Pictures. I LOVE looking at pictures, and I love to scrapbook them too. They are just great reminders of the past and present. I take as many as I can and try to look back on them often.
5. Terrance. He pushes me to step out of the limits. He is trying to get me to start a co-ed softball team. I am really looking forward to playing, and just another night out of the week that I can spend time with great friends and family. I also just love having something like this, that Terrance and I can share. Although I love cheering him on while watching him play sports, I enjoy it more when we cheer on eachother while playing together!
What are you thankful for?
Friday, February 29, 2008
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Everyone else is doing it!
OK, so I'm the last one to blog about Les's great idea of 5 things I have learned. Now, Im not sure the time frame we are talking about, becuase I have learned ALOT!! hehe. But I thought today would be a great day to do it, becuase its turning out to be a testing day..
1. That my marrige will never be a fairy tale, and I shouldn't hold my expectations to a impossibly high level. It takes so much work, love, communication, and understanding on both sides to make one work, I can't always expect things to be easy or handled for me.
1a. That I love being married to Terrance. He challenges me in so many ways (not always good) but thats what makes him him, me me, and our marrige the way it is. And I wouldnt trade any of it for anything diffrent.
2. That patience is a constant need in my daily life. With 2 little ones, and the days when they are both screaming at the same time, or when Carter is especially fussy, or when Crysta just loves to push my buttons, patience is what gets me through,although it is something that I need more of.
3. That being a Mommy is the best job in the whole world. I was very close to my Mom growing up, and I want to be that for my children. I enjoy every minuet I get with them, and try to never miss a second of anything. It also gives me a great excuse to watch cartoons, and color withouth looking weird!
4. To hold your friends and family dear. Since moving to Jeff City, I have made some great friends, and inherited some wonderful family. I am so blessed to be able to spend all the time with them (you all) that I can. However, since moving here, I have also learned to hold your family that is living away from you, just as close. I miss my family in Colorado. My brothers, my Dad, and even my Mom. Its a rare thing for both sides of the family to live in one place, but no matter the distance always show your friends and family how much they mean to you.
5. The 5th thing that I have learned that I will write about today is I love food way to much. In high school I tried to be annorexic. Not sure how many of you know that. I didnt eat for about 3 weeks, then one day at track practice I fainted, and realized how stupid I was. But Im always trying the latest diet or eating program. Always trying to fix myself. but I have come to realize that I just love food way to much to not eat it. It makes me happy and I enjoy eating it!
5a. That I need to stop focusing on my physical being, and put my energy in more prductve areas. I will never be a model, and I dont want to be. But I need to stop trying to always loose weight, or fix my face. Deep down I am happy with myself, I just need to learn to accept that.
Enough of that. I think I spilled to many beans this time! Hope everyone is having a great day of LOVE!! Happy Valentines Day!! I love you all!!
1. That my marrige will never be a fairy tale, and I shouldn't hold my expectations to a impossibly high level. It takes so much work, love, communication, and understanding on both sides to make one work, I can't always expect things to be easy or handled for me.
1a. That I love being married to Terrance. He challenges me in so many ways (not always good) but thats what makes him him, me me, and our marrige the way it is. And I wouldnt trade any of it for anything diffrent.
2. That patience is a constant need in my daily life. With 2 little ones, and the days when they are both screaming at the same time, or when Carter is especially fussy, or when Crysta just loves to push my buttons, patience is what gets me through,although it is something that I need more of.
3. That being a Mommy is the best job in the whole world. I was very close to my Mom growing up, and I want to be that for my children. I enjoy every minuet I get with them, and try to never miss a second of anything. It also gives me a great excuse to watch cartoons, and color withouth looking weird!
4. To hold your friends and family dear. Since moving to Jeff City, I have made some great friends, and inherited some wonderful family. I am so blessed to be able to spend all the time with them (you all) that I can. However, since moving here, I have also learned to hold your family that is living away from you, just as close. I miss my family in Colorado. My brothers, my Dad, and even my Mom. Its a rare thing for both sides of the family to live in one place, but no matter the distance always show your friends and family how much they mean to you.
5. The 5th thing that I have learned that I will write about today is I love food way to much. In high school I tried to be annorexic. Not sure how many of you know that. I didnt eat for about 3 weeks, then one day at track practice I fainted, and realized how stupid I was. But Im always trying the latest diet or eating program. Always trying to fix myself. but I have come to realize that I just love food way to much to not eat it. It makes me happy and I enjoy eating it!
5a. That I need to stop focusing on my physical being, and put my energy in more prductve areas. I will never be a model, and I dont want to be. But I need to stop trying to always loose weight, or fix my face. Deep down I am happy with myself, I just need to learn to accept that.
Enough of that. I think I spilled to many beans this time! Hope everyone is having a great day of LOVE!! Happy Valentines Day!! I love you all!!
Monday, February 11, 2008
Our week N weekend
I took a Part Time temporary job at Terrill's work, Data Comm scanning medical documents into the office's data base. They are letting me come in in the evenings, which is nice, but its cutting into my family time. Granted Terrance plays basketbal 3 out of the 5 nights of the week, but its only for 2-3 hours tops. The extra money will be nice, especially since we are hoping to buy a second car by the summer. So needless to say I am busy with the church, and taking care of my 2 lovelys on top of it. I do enjoy having something out of the house to do though. And as crazy as it sounds I like the office work. Scanning documents is no trip to Disney land, but I guess just the repeditaveness of the work, in a room by myself is almost relaxing. Almost like meditation. I can quite discribe it right, but in short, I couldnt do it 24/7 for the rest of my life but for now, I am enjoying it.
Now for the pictures.. I usually take Mondays off from the church, so last monday I had a movie in for Crysta while I got ready to go into Data Comm and when I came out, she was laying next to Carter.. Too cute that she loves her time with her brother, even when no one askes her to get near him for a picture.

Then I took wednsday night off of scanning for some family time, plus I had planned on going in all day thursday, so I needed to get some sleep. so to cut back on water and time, Crysta shared part of her bath time with her brother. She really enjoyed having him in the tub with her. She likes to help me wash him and get him dressed, so having him in the bath WITH her, almost gave her the responsibility. I was only allowed to hold him, and she was the one who washed him up. If only he could sit up alone, I think she would play with him for hours! Again, I am so thankful that she loves him so much, and wants to spend time with him.

Then Saturday, to catch up on lost family time, and because it was like 54 degrees outside, we decided to picnic at the park. We loaded up, and the minuet we got to the table the wind decided to pick up. after chilling us to the bones, and blowing all of our napkins to Florida, we decided to eat in the car. Not as easy, but a lot warmer. After our car-nic, we went out to play. The wind really picked up then, and even though Carter was well coverd and bundled, it started to wake him up and make him mad, so Terrance took him and Akira to the car. So while Terrance, Akira, and Carter sat in the car, Crysta and I played on the playground. Then We got really cold, and I felt bad for Terrance, so we went home.

All week, all Crysta could talk about was making Valentines. So yesterday after lunch thats what we did. I wanted them to be totally from her, so all I did was cut out the hearts. She had glitter, crayons, stickers, glue, whatever she wanted. I helped her with 2, then after that she flew solo. Since she is getting a cold, she has been sniffling a lot and rubbing her eyes. So after she would glitter a card, she would rub her eyes and say (in a stuffed up voice) " Momma, I need to blow my nose", and when I would turn to help her, she would have glitter all over her face from rubbing her eyes, I couldn't help but laugh. I kept asking her if she wanted to rest and finish her valentines later, but she was determined. But after a dose of Ibuprofen, and 10 cards later, she was passed out on the couch. She needed the sleep. It was so fun to watch her make her cards, she loves making things for and giving them to people.
I hope this week I can knock out a lot of the job, so I might be pulling some really late nights. It will be a hard and busy week, but its only temporary. But all this has made me realize that I could never work away from my kiddos. Have a great week everyone!
Now for the pictures.. I usually take Mondays off from the church, so last monday I had a movie in for Crysta while I got ready to go into Data Comm and when I came out, she was laying next to Carter.. Too cute that she loves her time with her brother, even when no one askes her to get near him for a picture.

Then I took wednsday night off of scanning for some family time, plus I had planned on going in all day thursday, so I needed to get some sleep. so to cut back on water and time, Crysta shared part of her bath time with her brother. She really enjoyed having him in the tub with her. She likes to help me wash him and get him dressed, so having him in the bath WITH her, almost gave her the responsibility. I was only allowed to hold him, and she was the one who washed him up. If only he could sit up alone, I think she would play with him for hours! Again, I am so thankful that she loves him so much, and wants to spend time with him.

Then Saturday, to catch up on lost family time, and because it was like 54 degrees outside, we decided to picnic at the park. We loaded up, and the minuet we got to the table the wind decided to pick up. after chilling us to the bones, and blowing all of our napkins to Florida, we decided to eat in the car. Not as easy, but a lot warmer. After our car-nic, we went out to play. The wind really picked up then, and even though Carter was well coverd and bundled, it started to wake him up and make him mad, so Terrance took him and Akira to the car. So while Terrance, Akira, and Carter sat in the car, Crysta and I played on the playground. Then We got really cold, and I felt bad for Terrance, so we went home.

All week, all Crysta could talk about was making Valentines. So yesterday after lunch thats what we did. I wanted them to be totally from her, so all I did was cut out the hearts. She had glitter, crayons, stickers, glue, whatever she wanted. I helped her with 2, then after that she flew solo. Since she is getting a cold, she has been sniffling a lot and rubbing her eyes. So after she would glitter a card, she would rub her eyes and say (in a stuffed up voice) " Momma, I need to blow my nose", and when I would turn to help her, she would have glitter all over her face from rubbing her eyes, I couldn't help but laugh. I kept asking her if she wanted to rest and finish her valentines later, but she was determined. But after a dose of Ibuprofen, and 10 cards later, she was passed out on the couch. She needed the sleep. It was so fun to watch her make her cards, she loves making things for and giving them to people.
I hope this week I can knock out a lot of the job, so I might be pulling some really late nights. It will be a hard and busy week, but its only temporary. But all this has made me realize that I could never work away from my kiddos. Have a great week everyone!
Monday, February 4, 2008
My A,B,C's of Thanks.
Happy monday everyone. I was thinking last night, that there is a whole lot in my life that I am thankful for, so instead of listing them in numberd lines, I thought I would make it interesting, and use the A,B,C's.
A.Astringent: it just makes my face feel so cool and comfortablt after I wash it.
B.Blake and Austin: I don't get to play with those boys as much as I want to, but I really enjoyed time with them last night. Trust me, they will get to know me, and learn to LOVE me! haha.
C. Crysta and Carter: Surprise? I love my babies. There is no greater joy than recieveing the love of my own two children! I can't picture my life without them.
D. Drumsticks: the ice cream. I love them, and I can eat the whole box. But they seem to be just enough after a dinner that you don't feel like you over-stufed yourself.
E. Eternal Salvation: What an amazing feeling to know that in Christ we have an everlasting life in Heaven.
F. Friends and Family: Last night getting to spend time with all my best buds made me realize how much I miss hanging out with them. But we are working on a plan to get together more often! And I have the most wonderful family, here and in Colorado, I am truly blessed with the people in my life.
G. Godly Friends: It is so wonderful to be surrounded by inspiring friends (and Family). To have people who will hold you accountable, pray with you, and keep you motivated.
H. Hands: I love having hands that can tickle my kiddos so my ears can hear them giggle.
I. Internet: Its a burden and a blessing, but without it, I would be in the dark on a lot of things. I like to research and browse to much.
J. June: This June I am in 2 weddings. I am inheriting a new sister, and I get to stand up next to one of my best friends as she gets married. What a great privalige.
K. Kind Words: They are always nice to recieve, and can last with you for a long time. Never let a moment pass without passing some kind words to people you know, it could brighten their day.
L. LOVE: February is supposedly the month of Love, but why do we need just one month? Why can't we spread the love every month?? but I am thankful that I am surrounded by people who love me.. Thanks for that.
M. Mommas: Without them, where would we turn? Never under estimate what Mothers are capable of.
N. Nice weather: Today is supposed to be like 65 degrees, in February?? sounds good to me.
O. Oppertunities: I get to do some work at Data Comm this week. Im grateful for the oppertunity, but also for something to do this next week.
P. POOP: Carter isn't pooping as much as he should be latley. I think he is getting to much cereal and not enough milk. We are going to fix that this week, but when he poops he sure is a happy boy!
Q. Questions: I love to be asked quesitons. I love surveys and all that jazz. I'mthinking about getting on a game show.. I would love to say, "No DEAL Howie!"
R. Reality T.V.: Survivor is premering this week. Im a sucker for some reality tv, but this series will be interesting!
S. Sisters: I have grown up with 2 brothers my whole life (Whom I LOVE), but I now have th best sisters anyone could ask for. I really appreciate the relationship I have with them, and the time we get to spend together. I will be getting another sister in June, and couldnt be more excited. I am blessed with the sisters I have.
T.Time: We feel we never have enough, but thats because we aren't using it properly. enjoy every second you get, and then time will seem more like a luxury, and less than a passing burden.
U.Umbrellas: What else will keep us dry in the rain, and give kiddos something to play with.
V. Violins: I love the sounds of them.
W. Weddings: I can't wait for June. I LOVE weddings!
X.Xtremley cheap clothes. Went to Target, and found a few shirts for under 10 dollars!
Y. Yelling boys: It was fun last night to hear the guys yelling and cheering durring the super bowl. Im glad they had fun too!
Z. ZZZZZ's: I don't seem to get enough. I love my sleep, but last night I did not get to enjoy that luxury. I kept moving one kiddo to their bed, and another one would be there, and visa versa. It was a vicious cycle that I lost around 5:00am this morning. I lost my spot in bed, but I like the feeling of our family sharing some close time together!
A.Astringent: it just makes my face feel so cool and comfortablt after I wash it.
B.Blake and Austin: I don't get to play with those boys as much as I want to, but I really enjoyed time with them last night. Trust me, they will get to know me, and learn to LOVE me! haha.
C. Crysta and Carter: Surprise? I love my babies. There is no greater joy than recieveing the love of my own two children! I can't picture my life without them.
D. Drumsticks: the ice cream. I love them, and I can eat the whole box. But they seem to be just enough after a dinner that you don't feel like you over-stufed yourself.
E. Eternal Salvation: What an amazing feeling to know that in Christ we have an everlasting life in Heaven.
F. Friends and Family: Last night getting to spend time with all my best buds made me realize how much I miss hanging out with them. But we are working on a plan to get together more often! And I have the most wonderful family, here and in Colorado, I am truly blessed with the people in my life.
G. Godly Friends: It is so wonderful to be surrounded by inspiring friends (and Family). To have people who will hold you accountable, pray with you, and keep you motivated.
H. Hands: I love having hands that can tickle my kiddos so my ears can hear them giggle.
I. Internet: Its a burden and a blessing, but without it, I would be in the dark on a lot of things. I like to research and browse to much.
J. June: This June I am in 2 weddings. I am inheriting a new sister, and I get to stand up next to one of my best friends as she gets married. What a great privalige.
K. Kind Words: They are always nice to recieve, and can last with you for a long time. Never let a moment pass without passing some kind words to people you know, it could brighten their day.
L. LOVE: February is supposedly the month of Love, but why do we need just one month? Why can't we spread the love every month?? but I am thankful that I am surrounded by people who love me.. Thanks for that.
M. Mommas: Without them, where would we turn? Never under estimate what Mothers are capable of.
N. Nice weather: Today is supposed to be like 65 degrees, in February?? sounds good to me.
O. Oppertunities: I get to do some work at Data Comm this week. Im grateful for the oppertunity, but also for something to do this next week.
P. POOP: Carter isn't pooping as much as he should be latley. I think he is getting to much cereal and not enough milk. We are going to fix that this week, but when he poops he sure is a happy boy!
Q. Questions: I love to be asked quesitons. I love surveys and all that jazz. I'mthinking about getting on a game show.. I would love to say, "No DEAL Howie!"
R. Reality T.V.: Survivor is premering this week. Im a sucker for some reality tv, but this series will be interesting!
S. Sisters: I have grown up with 2 brothers my whole life (Whom I LOVE), but I now have th best sisters anyone could ask for. I really appreciate the relationship I have with them, and the time we get to spend together. I will be getting another sister in June, and couldnt be more excited. I am blessed with the sisters I have.
T.Time: We feel we never have enough, but thats because we aren't using it properly. enjoy every second you get, and then time will seem more like a luxury, and less than a passing burden.
U.Umbrellas: What else will keep us dry in the rain, and give kiddos something to play with.
V. Violins: I love the sounds of them.
W. Weddings: I can't wait for June. I LOVE weddings!
X.Xtremley cheap clothes. Went to Target, and found a few shirts for under 10 dollars!
Y. Yelling boys: It was fun last night to hear the guys yelling and cheering durring the super bowl. Im glad they had fun too!
Z. ZZZZZ's: I don't seem to get enough. I love my sleep, but last night I did not get to enjoy that luxury. I kept moving one kiddo to their bed, and another one would be there, and visa versa. It was a vicious cycle that I lost around 5:00am this morning. I lost my spot in bed, but I like the feeling of our family sharing some close time together!
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