So Terrance got me Nicholas Sparks' new book "The Choice". I have heard that it was really good, and was super excited to read it. So I started it about 3 days ago, and every night I would get in about 2 or 3 chapters, and I would try to read it every feeding too. I finally finished it this morning. I could have last night, but I really wanted to wait, let the anticipation build.. Anyway, I finished it, and it is BY FAR the best story so far. I mean "The Notebook" was number one, and is still very close, but this story was laid out so diffrently, and was pretty diffrent than all the others. Nicholas Sparks writes almost the same way in all of his books. Once the main Guy and Gal are introduced, all you have to do is wait for their love story to play out. I still however have yet to read, "3 Weeks With My Bother", "The Guardian" ( Which I am still trying to finish, and " Dear John". I own all but 3 weeks, and Dear John. So its very possible that one of the 3 might take the number one spot, guess we will see.
I highly reccomend this book to anyone who appreciates a great love story. I don't know why, everytime after I finish one of his books, I find myself trying to add up to his characters. He portrays them all as such, kind and passionate people. And I am just swept up as their love stories are laid out. I know most of the time, people don't find love like his books, and a lot of the time, their relationships aren't half as romantic. I guess thats why I can never put his book down. It is so nice to wrap my mind in a world outside of this one. A break from the hustle and bustle of my everyday life. My children are wonderful, but every parent will agree when I say, atleast 1 hour out of the day alone is almost impossible, so its one of the best things, when you can put your kiddos to bed early and spend that little time doing something that relaxes you and just helps you unwind.
Books and scrapbooking are my favorite "ME" time. Since I don't have enough space to scrapbook, I try to read a little everyday. Anyway, I hope you all find time to loose yoruself everyday. Just escape from your normal routine, and retreat into another place.
On a diffrent note, Carter is recovering well from his ruptured ear drum. It doesn't seem to bother him, he only has 2 days left on his medicine, so I hope that should take care of everything. He also is proving to have a real temper. He has learned a new octive when he jabbers, and I think he knows it gets even louder when he cries. It cuts through your skull. Im not sure yet if its a temper problem, more than a learning experience. But I hope to nip it in the rear before it for sure turns into a temper. But he sure melts my heart, when he looks up at me with those big blue eyes, chubby cheeks, wet chin and smiles really big. Then when he starts cooing at me... that really does me in..
Crysta is sure pushin my buttons lately. Talking back, getting her little girly attitude, and she seems to always argue before giving into what I have asked her to do. Im not a big spanker, but I do it when its needed. I guess I better start with the spankins now, before this gets out of control. She seems to be able to read people to see if they are really going to do what they say they are. And so far I follow through, but I think she is really testing me these past few weeks. I don't think its competition with Carter, I think she is becoming a little girl, and thats what we all did, and still do. She is a wonderfully behaved little girl, and I am very blessed to have her, but I just am not strong in this area. I will learn though, I don't think any parent has it all really figured out.
Im struggling a little bit with myself. I sometimes find myself in some form of vanity, as I stand infront of myself in the mirror, and I nit pick. Im still struggling with my face. Proactive has helped a little, but I guess with dark circles under my eyes, and acne, I am feeling particularly un attractive. I know I shouldn't care about my appearance, but you know when people make some comments about other people, you can't help but wonder if other people say they same thing about you as you walk by. I try to focus my thoughts and energy in other areas, but sometimes I fail. I know I just have to keep my heart on the Lord, and not on myself.
I am also really excited that we FINALLY got in with our photographer to take Valentines Day pictures. On friday I will be taking the kiddos over to get thier pictures taken. I can't wait, with Carter smiling now, they should be good ones.. Anyway, those are my thoughts for the night.
I love Nicholas Sparks too. Thanks for getting me started with him. I have just started The Choice. I'm only on the 2nd chapter though. I can't believe I've already read all of his other books. I've never been a big reader, so it's crazy. Anyway I really like Three Weeks with my Brother. I wasn't sure if I would, but it is one of my favorites. I can let you borrow mine, so you don't have to buy it. Well that's about it except that I think you are a wonderful mother that I can look up to (that sounds weird since I'm older) and you are also very beautiful. I notice that quite often about you. If you ever need a reminder, just look at those two beautiful kids that you produced!
I LOVED The Choice and Dear John. Joe got me those books for Christmas since I've had plenty of time to read these past couple of weeks. I've finished both of them, and I agree that The Choice is one of his BEST! I've read most of his others, and I've fallen in love with The Choice!
As for the vanity thing. I think we all struggle at times with the way we look or how we feel other people view us. Truth of the matter is you're beautiful! Even though you're physically a beautiful person - regardless of what 'flaws' you perceive in yourself when you look in the mirror, you are beautiful in the place it counts far more... your heart! I got a card one time that read something like this...
"I wish for once you could see yourself the way other people see you; for then, you would finally realize what a truly beautiful person you are". It's very easy to get caught up in the mirror image, but what makes a person beautiful can't be seen when you look in a mirror! :-)
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