Well Crysta had her 4 year old check up today. Today was baisically her first wellness check up, and series of shots to get her ready for kindergarden. She was a little uncooperative at first, but she loosend up. She even answerd Dr. Rogers questions, and somewhat carried on a conversation with him. When we first got there, she was supposed to pee in a cup. Well she didn't and I felt a little weird holding the thing under her waiting for her to potty. So we were sent home with the cup, and I am to bring a sample by as soon as possible. Her stats are.. She weighs 33 lbs. which puts her in the 25th percentile for weight. She is 3 1/2 feet tall, which puts her in the 75th percentile for height, and her vision in 20/30. However, when she did the eye exam, she wasn't cooperating, so that may or may not be inaccurate. She recieved her shots as well. We were playing around and joking about the shots, and she was havning a great time, until the nurses came in. They asked for her to lay down, and for me to hold her arms still. Well, she is no baby anymore,and can understand everything they say, so that kind of freaked her out a little. She was crying from fright at first, then I could tell when they stuck her. I hate having to hold my baby down when pain is inflicted. But she recoverd quickly. She also got the flu nasal mist instead of the shot. Her legs are already pretty sore, and she is in there watching t.v. and is going down faster by the minuet. She is such a brave little thing. She never ceases to make me proud. I love that girl! Carter will go to the doctor next week for shots. Im sure something will happen that will call for a blog, so stay tuned....
Now, it is time for my 5 for Friday!
1. Great Deals and Good Timing: Last night Terrance had sent me to Target to get him some gatorade. Well I am in need of a decent fitting pair of jeans. So I took a gander through the clearance racks. There were only 2 pairs of jeans on all the racks, and luckily one pair was close to my size. They were Mossimo, a brand that I could NEVER fit into,so I was holding my breath. I litterally jumped for joy when I zipped them up in the fitting room! So now, I have a good fitting pair of jeans. and the best part was they were only 10 dollars!
2. Daylight savings time: Since we have been blessed with an extra hour of sleep, the past few nights I have treated myself to an early bed time to catch up on some sleep. I am almost well rested, a few more early nights, and maybe 1 nap and I will be back to normal.
3. Great Relationships: I am so happy to have the people I have in my life. I have such wondeful relationships with everyone, and I am so comforted to know that I will never lack for a shoulder to lean on. I try to make it a point to make sure you all feel the same way about me.I love you all very much, and thank you for everything.
4. Good Sense of humor: without it I dont think I could be stepping out and posting my face on a blog!
5. This time of year: Between November 1st to January 1st is my most favorite time of year. I LOVE the holiday season. The commercials, the decorations in all the stores, and all the lights on the houses for Christmas. All the great food we eat in between. Everyone seems to me happier around this time, unless you are a die hard shopper. The only thing that I could do without this time of year, are the Salvation Army bell ringers. I feel bad for walking by without giving. What do you all think about them? Do you all give money? How about that be a topic for the weekend!
On the face analysis: I do see some progress. Please continue weekly with your photographic documentation and summary. :) I actually really enjoy it, and it is a great blogging idea.
On the bell ringers: Every time I think of bell ringers I remember this one lady at K-mart a few years ago. She was singing at the top of her lungs with a not so pleasant voice while ringing her bell. It cracks me up thinking about it every time. I wanted to give her some money to stop. At least she was entertaining though. I have given some change before, but most of the time I walk past them as fast as I possibly can with my head down. Is this wrong?
How funny! Katherine and I still remember that lady at KMart singing and ringing and we haven't been in JC for Xmas since 2000! I ususally don't give them $, but occasionally let the kids put in a quarter or two. They like to think they are helping.
You are brave to go public with your face. Remember that it takes about a month to generate new skin cells, so patience is key. Water, rest and hands off are also good too. I took one of our girls to the family dr and he put her on an antibiotic daily and some acne cream....it's helped a ton! took about 2 months to see progress there. I have a couple more ideas, but won't bock your blog. Feel free to email me if you want.....:)
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