37 weeks. Another week closer to welcoming our little man. We had positive feed back from our doctors appointment last Friday. My body is already making preparations for delivery, which is encouraging. Our doctor also let me know that she won't make me wait to long passed our due date. So it is encouraging to know that in less than 3 weeks we will have our new addition. And believe me, I am BEYOND ready. Crysta and Carter are ready too.
This passed weekend was a very full weekend. Some wonderful ladies from Church threw me the cutest shower. The theme was "Ready To Pop" with lots of Pop related items, suckers, pop tarts, popcorn ect. The decorations, food and company was amazing and far surpassed anything I expected or imagined. It's no secret that I LOVE planning parties for people. Showers and Birthdays are my favorite, but I don't really expect the tables to be turned and I'm the guest of honor. I was truly and deeply touched and humbled by the attendance and the generosity of all the ladies who attended, and especially the time and effort put in by the ladies who put it together in just 1 short week. I think we are another step closer to welcoming #3. However, if he came today, he would have to sleep somewhere else, as his bed is full of his gifts I have yet to put away.
After the amazing shower, Terrance and I bought a New Used truck. We had purchased 2 vehicles about 2.5 years ago, and his truck we bought then has been anything but reliable. I think we have spent more fixing it and keeping it running than we did paying it off. Just recently, after spending a good chunk of money on getting it fixed we realized that the truck is in need of a new transmission and new engine. The cost of replacing those, was WAY more than we still owe on the truck. So we went back to the dealership who sold us the truck in the first place. Long story short, They took the truck back, and we walked away with a much bigger, hopefully more reliable truck. Terrance is happy and that makes me happy.
Sunday, our church threw a couple a baby shower. It was a potluck style right after morning services. It's a lot of work to put together, but the turn out was amazing, and I know that the couple was encouraged. I am always happy to see people come together to encourage and support young couples. Expecially first time parents.
I am still working on my de cluttering of the home. I have hit a standstill on the kids rooms. There is a lot to do, but I am finding that my energy spurts are shorter, and I struggle with doing that opposed to hanging with the kiddies. I realize that these last few days are my last days EVER of just having Crysta and Carter. This time is so valuable and precious. Our lives will never be just the 4 of us again. I am trying to soak up as much of them as I can before my attention will be split 3 ways.
Obviously from my post my brain is a bit scatterd and all over the place. Thanks for reading. I will leave you with some pictures from my awesome baby shower!
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Monday, July 8, 2013
Getting Close
36 weeks! feels like it has taken FOREVER to get here. I found out pretty early that we were expecting our 3rd child, and I started showing really early, so 36 weeks really has felt like 50. Thankfully I have had an incredibly easy pregnancy. I can't complain. Sure I have had those little annoyances, like comments about my size, heartburn, leg cramps ect. But I have had it really easy compared to what some women go through.
I asked my doctor her feelings on inducing me on my due date. Crysta was 2 weeks late ( 7lbs 15oz and had to be induced), Carter was 1 week late ( 8lbs 15oz and had to be induced). So I don't really know what it is like to go into labor on my own, and I REALLY don't want to be late with this guy. Depending on my progress, she said she would consider setting the date on my due date, but the latest she will let me go is 3 days passed, so that is something to look forward too.
The kids are getting really excited. Carter talks to my belly everyday. I am currently working on getting rooms moved around and sorting baby items. I am so thankful for generous and kind people in our lives. 2 ladies at church gave us TONS of baby clothes, and I think we are good! it took me 2 movies to sit and sort through all the clothes the other night! We are blessed with wonderful people. The ladies at church threw a joint diaper BBQ for us preggos at church a few weeks ago, and we walked away with a large amount of diapers, again we are blessed. Another woman at church wanted to throw me a smaller more personal shower, which is planned for this weekend. I don't like putting anyone out, but I truly appreciate the kindness and generosity of the ladies planning that shower, again BLESSED!
My job situation is a little up in air. It is important to us that I stay home with the baby. Daycare is not an option. I will run my own daycare from home before I put our baby in one. That is not to slam or judge those who do put their kiddos in daycare, you have to do whats best for your family. I am just an entrepreneur at heart, and I know I will figure out a way to still contribute financially while still being the main caregiver of our children. I can always fall back on house cleaning... I have considered many options, I just pray to God that I keep my eyes, ears and heart open to His plan for us, and not drown His plan out with MY plan.
Not a lot going on other than nesting and preparing to welcome our 3rd Lil' Newton into this world. Stay tuned, my posts should get more exciting from here on out!! :) Thanks for reading! I leave you with a picture from 35 weeks! :)
I asked my doctor her feelings on inducing me on my due date. Crysta was 2 weeks late ( 7lbs 15oz and had to be induced), Carter was 1 week late ( 8lbs 15oz and had to be induced). So I don't really know what it is like to go into labor on my own, and I REALLY don't want to be late with this guy. Depending on my progress, she said she would consider setting the date on my due date, but the latest she will let me go is 3 days passed, so that is something to look forward too.
The kids are getting really excited. Carter talks to my belly everyday. I am currently working on getting rooms moved around and sorting baby items. I am so thankful for generous and kind people in our lives. 2 ladies at church gave us TONS of baby clothes, and I think we are good! it took me 2 movies to sit and sort through all the clothes the other night! We are blessed with wonderful people. The ladies at church threw a joint diaper BBQ for us preggos at church a few weeks ago, and we walked away with a large amount of diapers, again we are blessed. Another woman at church wanted to throw me a smaller more personal shower, which is planned for this weekend. I don't like putting anyone out, but I truly appreciate the kindness and generosity of the ladies planning that shower, again BLESSED!
My job situation is a little up in air. It is important to us that I stay home with the baby. Daycare is not an option. I will run my own daycare from home before I put our baby in one. That is not to slam or judge those who do put their kiddos in daycare, you have to do whats best for your family. I am just an entrepreneur at heart, and I know I will figure out a way to still contribute financially while still being the main caregiver of our children. I can always fall back on house cleaning... I have considered many options, I just pray to God that I keep my eyes, ears and heart open to His plan for us, and not drown His plan out with MY plan.
Not a lot going on other than nesting and preparing to welcome our 3rd Lil' Newton into this world. Stay tuned, my posts should get more exciting from here on out!! :) Thanks for reading! I leave you with a picture from 35 weeks! :)

Friday, April 26, 2013
The Beginning....a story untold
Have you ever been eternally grateful for someone? You know they aren't perfect, but they just amaze you with the things they do? They can drive you crazy, but make you cherish them at the same time? This person to me is my husband. He is the one of the most patient men I have ever met ( My Dad is first).
Terrance and I have been married for 10 years today. 10 YEARS! Not many people these days can say they were married at 19 and last for 10 years. Not many people these days are getting married in their 20's and 30's and lasting for 10 years. The odds were totally against us. We were young kids, doing what young kids do, and found ourselves grown up over night.
It was February of 2003 when my life changed forever. I borrowed my roommates car to drive to a clinic in town. At the time I was attending Harding University, in Searcy Arkansas. A christian based university and town, the clinic I was headed to wasn't ideal. It took me a few weeks to really grasp the reality that my life was about to change forever. I didn't tell my roommate why I needed her car, because I didn't know how to. A parental planning clinic offered free pregnancy tests and counseling. I couldn't risk buying a test at Walmart and being seen by students or faculty there. If that happened expulsion from the university was the consequence. Oddly enough, the clinic was withing walking distance to the school. I parked my roommates car down the road a bit to avoid someone recognizing her car and becoming suspicious of her.........
2 words: " You're Pregnant" was all it took to change my life forever!
After that moment, my life became a whirlwind. I now had to decide how to tell Terrance, my school and most of all my parents. I was thankful for my roommate that day.
The next 2 months went by in a blur. I withdrew from Harding, moved back home to Colorado and worked at a pet store in the mall until the beginning of April. Then I packed up my belongings and life I knew to move to Jefferson City, Missouri to marry my college sweetheart at the tender age of 19. We had 6 weeks to plan our wedding. We were eternally blessed with friends, family and congregation who helped us pull off a small, inexpensive and perfect wedding. The highlights of course of the wedding where 2 things. First, right after we said our " I Do's" a phone begins to ring. At first I think someone in the crowd got a call. Until the moment Terrance, YES TERRANCE pulls his cell phone from his tux pocket and answers it! Now, you're probably wondering who would have been calling him on a day such as this, a friend who wasn't invited, his secret girlfriend (kidding).. NO, it was Jared his groomsman standing 2 bodies away! I believe the conversation went T " Hello"... J " Hey Man, What are you doin'?"... T " I'm getting marriend, gotta go." HILARIOUS! Although I didn't see it, a man in the front row, apparently was about to run up and ring Terrance's neck for pulling such a stunt, until the phone rings again..... " Hello".. " Hey Man, DON'T DO IT!".. Thanks to my wonderful soon to be brother in law, and best man, Terrill calling! We got a good laugh, and it really lightened up the room. Neither one of us are much for stuffy serious atmospheres.... Time for the rings.. Brent, my father in law and minister who married us asked our first in commands to place the rings in his bible for safer, easier transfers. My wonderful Roommate and Maid of Honor did as she was told, you would think the boys could too.. WRONG. As Brent is waiting for Terrill to place my ring in his bible, the crowd starts to laugh when we all look up and see my ring being lowered with fishing line through the arch we had above our heads. Which would have been fine, until the line was tugged to hard, and the ring got stuck. Brent had to get on his tippy toes and break the line. I was thankful for the pranks. It made for great memories, video, and a great start to our new life together.
We spent our honeymoon night at Tan Tara Resort at the Lake of the Ozarks.There was a convention going on, so we got literally the last room available which was 2 double beds. The next day we were home by lunch and at church that night. Not much of a honeymoon by today's standards, but we were young kids who couldn't afford to go anywhere.
Since that day, Terrance and I have welcomed 2 gorgeous children into our lives, Crysta and Carter and expecting our 3rd this August. We still have our first family pet, Akira who has been with us for 7 years. We bought our first home in 2010 and have been through a strew of vehicles, although only 3 of them we have purchased together. We have had our ups and downs, highs and lows, fighting and laughter. One thing has remained constant. Our love for each other and God. This 10 year journey has been unlike anything I could ever imagine, and I am so thankful for it! I am so blessed with my family too. I now, as of today have 4 sisters, 4 brothers, 4 nieces, 1 nephew and another niece due in September. I thank God everyday for the many blessings in my life. If you are reading this, then that makes you one of them. Thank you to everyone who has supported, encouraged comforted, and kicked me in the rear when I needed you the most, I would not be where I am today without you. I am looking forward to the future with an open heart and mind, never forgetting to thank God everyday for what he has given me.
Sometimes the most un-ideal situations like teen pregnancy can be what it takes to straighten someones path, and save their lives. I can't imagine who I'd be with or where I'd be otherwise. For those of you who were curious of my and Terrance's story, there you have it. Although that is how it started, that is not what defines our relationship, and life together or with God. I am thankful for that cold February day, because although it turned my world upside down for a moment, it has given me a lifetime of pure happiness.
Terrance and I have been married for 10 years today. 10 YEARS! Not many people these days can say they were married at 19 and last for 10 years. Not many people these days are getting married in their 20's and 30's and lasting for 10 years. The odds were totally against us. We were young kids, doing what young kids do, and found ourselves grown up over night.
It was February of 2003 when my life changed forever. I borrowed my roommates car to drive to a clinic in town. At the time I was attending Harding University, in Searcy Arkansas. A christian based university and town, the clinic I was headed to wasn't ideal. It took me a few weeks to really grasp the reality that my life was about to change forever. I didn't tell my roommate why I needed her car, because I didn't know how to. A parental planning clinic offered free pregnancy tests and counseling. I couldn't risk buying a test at Walmart and being seen by students or faculty there. If that happened expulsion from the university was the consequence. Oddly enough, the clinic was withing walking distance to the school. I parked my roommates car down the road a bit to avoid someone recognizing her car and becoming suspicious of her.........
2 words: " You're Pregnant" was all it took to change my life forever!
After that moment, my life became a whirlwind. I now had to decide how to tell Terrance, my school and most of all my parents. I was thankful for my roommate that day.
The next 2 months went by in a blur. I withdrew from Harding, moved back home to Colorado and worked at a pet store in the mall until the beginning of April. Then I packed up my belongings and life I knew to move to Jefferson City, Missouri to marry my college sweetheart at the tender age of 19. We had 6 weeks to plan our wedding. We were eternally blessed with friends, family and congregation who helped us pull off a small, inexpensive and perfect wedding. The highlights of course of the wedding where 2 things. First, right after we said our " I Do's" a phone begins to ring. At first I think someone in the crowd got a call. Until the moment Terrance, YES TERRANCE pulls his cell phone from his tux pocket and answers it! Now, you're probably wondering who would have been calling him on a day such as this, a friend who wasn't invited, his secret girlfriend (kidding).. NO, it was Jared his groomsman standing 2 bodies away! I believe the conversation went T " Hello"... J " Hey Man, What are you doin'?"... T " I'm getting marriend, gotta go." HILARIOUS! Although I didn't see it, a man in the front row, apparently was about to run up and ring Terrance's neck for pulling such a stunt, until the phone rings again..... " Hello".. " Hey Man, DON'T DO IT!".. Thanks to my wonderful soon to be brother in law, and best man, Terrill calling! We got a good laugh, and it really lightened up the room. Neither one of us are much for stuffy serious atmospheres.... Time for the rings.. Brent, my father in law and minister who married us asked our first in commands to place the rings in his bible for safer, easier transfers. My wonderful Roommate and Maid of Honor did as she was told, you would think the boys could too.. WRONG. As Brent is waiting for Terrill to place my ring in his bible, the crowd starts to laugh when we all look up and see my ring being lowered with fishing line through the arch we had above our heads. Which would have been fine, until the line was tugged to hard, and the ring got stuck. Brent had to get on his tippy toes and break the line. I was thankful for the pranks. It made for great memories, video, and a great start to our new life together.
We spent our honeymoon night at Tan Tara Resort at the Lake of the Ozarks.There was a convention going on, so we got literally the last room available which was 2 double beds. The next day we were home by lunch and at church that night. Not much of a honeymoon by today's standards, but we were young kids who couldn't afford to go anywhere.
Since that day, Terrance and I have welcomed 2 gorgeous children into our lives, Crysta and Carter and expecting our 3rd this August. We still have our first family pet, Akira who has been with us for 7 years. We bought our first home in 2010 and have been through a strew of vehicles, although only 3 of them we have purchased together. We have had our ups and downs, highs and lows, fighting and laughter. One thing has remained constant. Our love for each other and God. This 10 year journey has been unlike anything I could ever imagine, and I am so thankful for it! I am so blessed with my family too. I now, as of today have 4 sisters, 4 brothers, 4 nieces, 1 nephew and another niece due in September. I thank God everyday for the many blessings in my life. If you are reading this, then that makes you one of them. Thank you to everyone who has supported, encouraged comforted, and kicked me in the rear when I needed you the most, I would not be where I am today without you. I am looking forward to the future with an open heart and mind, never forgetting to thank God everyday for what he has given me.
Sometimes the most un-ideal situations like teen pregnancy can be what it takes to straighten someones path, and save their lives. I can't imagine who I'd be with or where I'd be otherwise. For those of you who were curious of my and Terrance's story, there you have it. Although that is how it started, that is not what defines our relationship, and life together or with God. I am thankful for that cold February day, because although it turned my world upside down for a moment, it has given me a lifetime of pure happiness.
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Feeling Blue
As promised and predicted, I am regretting my previous post. Although I know that it was important to me to get those words out there, I am understanding of the hurt the entire situation has caused. If I had it my way, there would never been any hurt. All would be skittles and and rainbows and nothing bad ever happens. However, I know that not only is this unrealistic and crazy, I know that without trials and tribulations there would be no growth. I can not shy away from my feelings, and my right and privilege to express them. I just want to say that it is NEVER my intent to purposefully hurt, harm or offend anyone. Friend, Family, or acquaintance. And I hope that anyone who knows me, knows that. And if I ever do or say anything that is hurtful to you, that you feel that you can discuss that with me. With all that said, I have to move on. What has happened has happened, and I can not change the past. I can only look forward to the future God has planned for me and pray that I please Him in all that I do. God knows my heart, and I can only pray that others do as well.
As most of you know ( what few there are who read this) we are expecting our 3rd child this August. I will say that all in all this pregnancy was a complete surprise to say the least. However, after a few weeks of adjusting to the thought of another little head running around our house, we have become pretty excited. Crysta and Carter are SUPER excited to have another playmate. Carter is pretty obsessed with feeling my stomach to see if the baby moves, there are even mornings that I wake up and Carter's hand is resting on my stomach. While Crysta is determined that the baby will recognize her voice and talks to my tummy almost everyday, even hugging and kissing it. It warms my heart to see the excitement and gentleness my children have, and their eagerness to welcome another blessing into our family. We were able to discover that this baby was more than willing to cooperate in the ultrasound so we could find out the gender. Of course we just want a healthy baby. And truthfully the gender didn't matter to us, as we got ride of every last bit of baby stuff we had last summer. ( Like I said, we were not planning on having another baby!).. So, we are starting fresh, period. But everyone was excited to see the picture that distinctly told us, that this little wiggle worm in my womb is a Bouncing Baby Boy!. We were able to have a small gender reveal party with my big brother and his wife, who is also expecting their 1st child in September, and my parents. I have never had a gender reveal thing, but I guess these days that's the thing to do!
So now we get to find a place for this little guy to sleep. We will be doing some small renovation on our home to prepare for this. Crysta will be getting her own room, and Carter will be getting a new roommate. Of course I am looking forward to painting and decorating a girly girl room for Crysta and a boys room for Carter and the baby.! I'm sure I will keep updating as this process goes on..Thank goodness for Pinterest for inspiration. I will leave you with a picture from our gender reveal. more to come once my brother officially announces their gender! Thanks for reading!

As most of you know ( what few there are who read this) we are expecting our 3rd child this August. I will say that all in all this pregnancy was a complete surprise to say the least. However, after a few weeks of adjusting to the thought of another little head running around our house, we have become pretty excited. Crysta and Carter are SUPER excited to have another playmate. Carter is pretty obsessed with feeling my stomach to see if the baby moves, there are even mornings that I wake up and Carter's hand is resting on my stomach. While Crysta is determined that the baby will recognize her voice and talks to my tummy almost everyday, even hugging and kissing it. It warms my heart to see the excitement and gentleness my children have, and their eagerness to welcome another blessing into our family. We were able to discover that this baby was more than willing to cooperate in the ultrasound so we could find out the gender. Of course we just want a healthy baby. And truthfully the gender didn't matter to us, as we got ride of every last bit of baby stuff we had last summer. ( Like I said, we were not planning on having another baby!).. So, we are starting fresh, period. But everyone was excited to see the picture that distinctly told us, that this little wiggle worm in my womb is a Bouncing Baby Boy!. We were able to have a small gender reveal party with my big brother and his wife, who is also expecting their 1st child in September, and my parents. I have never had a gender reveal thing, but I guess these days that's the thing to do!
So now we get to find a place for this little guy to sleep. We will be doing some small renovation on our home to prepare for this. Crysta will be getting her own room, and Carter will be getting a new roommate. Of course I am looking forward to painting and decorating a girly girl room for Crysta and a boys room for Carter and the baby.! I'm sure I will keep updating as this process goes on..Thank goodness for Pinterest for inspiration. I will leave you with a picture from our gender reveal. more to come once my brother officially announces their gender! Thanks for reading!
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
" Wives, be subject to your own husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, as Christ also is the Savior of the body. But as the church is subject to Christ, so also the wives ought to be to their husbands in everything." Ephesians 5: 22-24.
This verse has been heavily on my heart lately, especially the last part, IN EVERYTHING. I normally do not have trouble or issues with allowing my husband to be the head of the house. Leader of our spiritual growth, but there has been a few things that have come up, that I have found myself struggle with.
For the sake of privacy I will not dive far into specific details on these things, but I will touch on a few. As most everyone who knows me knows, I have a crippling habit to be a people pleaser. I know that you can not always make everyone happy. But being who I am, I try anyway. I won't compromise my faith, family, or beliefs for this purpose, but if it is in my control to please someone and avoid conflict I will do it. I deeply try to avoid conflict with anyone, ESPECIALLY family. And if I find myself in a conflicting position with family, I always feel terrible and beat myself up over it, even though I know it's OK. Conflict can be a beneficial and growing tool between friends and family if the right attitude is taken. Another characteristic about me, is I am not a vengeful person. I do not find the need or urge to "pay someone back" for hurting or offending me. Now I am not saying that my husband is either of these things. However, something very special and personal to us was released into public knowledge without our consent. We weren't quite ready for the news to be out, but it happened and that's that. I was upset for a while. And when I tried to talk to the person about it, I felt like no responsibility was taken, and it was blamed on me. That I should have made that more clear, when in my head it would have been common sense. Again, what happened happened, and it was out.
I spoke with my husband one day about this, and he told me that he too tried to talk to the person about it, and pretty much felt shut out. Like what he was saying didn't matter and his feelings about the situation were minuscule and pointless. His feelings kept getting disregarded and my feelings took the priority, even though I was not apart of the conversation. The conversation hurt my husband, deeply. He is not usually one to discuss his "feelings" about anything, so when he does open up, it's a rare glimpse into his heart. That day he tried to show this person that glimpse and it went un-noticed or acknowledged. Therefore, my husband decided that the next bit of big news we had, we would not share with this specific individual, and they would learn the news "though the grapevine". Despite my inward screams to go against him on this, I stuck by him and his decision. It bothered me more than you will ever know, and deep down I knew that the outcome would not be beneficial to either party. I did talk to my husband about this, but he stuck to his guns. Now, here is where my struggle was. I wanted to support him. I knew that he had been hurt, and felt the need to make the point. But I was also being affected by his choices, and I was not comfortable with them. So what would you have done? Would you have told the person anyway? Would I have been an un-submissive wife if I were to do the opposite of what my husband had called me to do?
This may seem silly to you. But once the news got out, and this individual learned of the secret we were keeping, my feelings were deeply hurt by their reaction. I will admit it was mostly regret and guilt on my part. I do not blame them for being hurt or reacting the way they did either. It was a silly circumstance that I should brush off my shoulders, but like I said, I hate hurting or upsetting anyone. I feel torn.
I love both parties deeply. I am stuck in a situation to where I do not know if I should step in an explain our actions to the person, but that would mean I would have to speak for my husband, which I feel is not my place. And I know this may be confusing because I am not giving details, I just needed to vent a bit. Any feed back is welcome. Thanks for reading! I will have a more exciting post tomorrow!
This verse has been heavily on my heart lately, especially the last part, IN EVERYTHING. I normally do not have trouble or issues with allowing my husband to be the head of the house. Leader of our spiritual growth, but there has been a few things that have come up, that I have found myself struggle with.
For the sake of privacy I will not dive far into specific details on these things, but I will touch on a few. As most everyone who knows me knows, I have a crippling habit to be a people pleaser. I know that you can not always make everyone happy. But being who I am, I try anyway. I won't compromise my faith, family, or beliefs for this purpose, but if it is in my control to please someone and avoid conflict I will do it. I deeply try to avoid conflict with anyone, ESPECIALLY family. And if I find myself in a conflicting position with family, I always feel terrible and beat myself up over it, even though I know it's OK. Conflict can be a beneficial and growing tool between friends and family if the right attitude is taken. Another characteristic about me, is I am not a vengeful person. I do not find the need or urge to "pay someone back" for hurting or offending me. Now I am not saying that my husband is either of these things. However, something very special and personal to us was released into public knowledge without our consent. We weren't quite ready for the news to be out, but it happened and that's that. I was upset for a while. And when I tried to talk to the person about it, I felt like no responsibility was taken, and it was blamed on me. That I should have made that more clear, when in my head it would have been common sense. Again, what happened happened, and it was out.
I spoke with my husband one day about this, and he told me that he too tried to talk to the person about it, and pretty much felt shut out. Like what he was saying didn't matter and his feelings about the situation were minuscule and pointless. His feelings kept getting disregarded and my feelings took the priority, even though I was not apart of the conversation. The conversation hurt my husband, deeply. He is not usually one to discuss his "feelings" about anything, so when he does open up, it's a rare glimpse into his heart. That day he tried to show this person that glimpse and it went un-noticed or acknowledged. Therefore, my husband decided that the next bit of big news we had, we would not share with this specific individual, and they would learn the news "though the grapevine". Despite my inward screams to go against him on this, I stuck by him and his decision. It bothered me more than you will ever know, and deep down I knew that the outcome would not be beneficial to either party. I did talk to my husband about this, but he stuck to his guns. Now, here is where my struggle was. I wanted to support him. I knew that he had been hurt, and felt the need to make the point. But I was also being affected by his choices, and I was not comfortable with them. So what would you have done? Would you have told the person anyway? Would I have been an un-submissive wife if I were to do the opposite of what my husband had called me to do?
This may seem silly to you. But once the news got out, and this individual learned of the secret we were keeping, my feelings were deeply hurt by their reaction. I will admit it was mostly regret and guilt on my part. I do not blame them for being hurt or reacting the way they did either. It was a silly circumstance that I should brush off my shoulders, but like I said, I hate hurting or upsetting anyone. I feel torn.
I love both parties deeply. I am stuck in a situation to where I do not know if I should step in an explain our actions to the person, but that would mean I would have to speak for my husband, which I feel is not my place. And I know this may be confusing because I am not giving details, I just needed to vent a bit. Any feed back is welcome. Thanks for reading! I will have a more exciting post tomorrow!
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Pickin' up the Pieces.
WOW, almost 2 full years since updating. I wouldn't even know where to begin in playing catch up. As some of you know, I had started a blog I named " Dropin' Poundage'. It was meant to be a constant source and reminder to ME to stay on top of the healthy stuff. It was great for a while, for me anyway. Not many followers but that's not what was important. So that took most of my time in writing.
I have always been some what of a journaler. Not 100% committed by any means. There are times, obviously, that I let some time pass, but I do find comfort and release in writing my thoughts down. I guess whether you, care to read them or not is the question.
I keep a journal for both my children. I hope it to be a unique and appreciated gift for them when they are older. I enjoy going back and reading my entries from the past. If you are a parent, then you know that the little things slip your mind after a while. The journals help me remember. And believe me they are FULL of the little things. It's not always the happy stuff either, I be sure to add the hard and trying stuff, so they can tell their children one day that " I was just like you when I was your age".
I originally started this blog as a way to update my Colorado and distant family on the progress of our lives here in Missouri. I want to apologize if I have let the ball drop on you. I will do my best to keep the news up and current!
Now, another reason for me picking up the pieces of this forgotten blog is that we are about to have our lives change for the better for the 3rd time. We discovered in December that we were expecting the most UNEXPECTED gift from God. To be honest it took me a month or two to see it that way, but how else can you view the blessings of a baby. A precious, innocent soul trusted into your care. How can anyone take that lightly or regret that honor? Although Terrance and I were not even in the mindset of another child, God had another plan for us. It was a reminder that nothing in our lives is in our control. Now, 5 months in we are excited and ready to welcome this new little addition to our family. #3 is expected to arrive August 3rd. We are planning to have a small gender reveal with my parents and brother and sister in law this weekend ( they are expecting too!... my brother that is)!
Crysta and Carter and blossoming into wonderful children. I thank God everyday for them. They are so sweet and pure. There is not a day I wish them to be anything other than what they are. I don't compare them to other children, or regret anything they do, good or bad. Crysta is finishing up her 3rd grade year, and Carter is finishing up pre-school. He will begin Kindergarten next year, and he couldn't be happier.
Terrance and I will be celebrating our 10 year wedding anniversary 1 month from today. It is hard to believe so much time has past. It has been an amazing journey. Full of trials and blessings, happiness and tears. One thing has remained constant throughout... Our love for God and our love for each other. Never once did we think of taking the easy way out of our struggles, and I am so proud and honored to be called his wife.
I hope to keep the updates coming in the future as I am sure I will have a lot to share. Thanks for reading!
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