Friday morning, Stacy one of Ann's bridemaids picked me up around 8:15 am so we could go get our hair done. My appointment wasn't until 10, but the place was clear across town, and Stacy's was at 9. I thought about keeping my hair do from Brandie's wedding, but I had so many bobby pins, I had a headache before the wedding even started., After getting to the new place though, I wished I had kept it. I sat down to get my hair done around 10, and I didn't get out of the chair until 12!! It took her about 2 hours to just finally decide to spiral my pony tails and pin up the curls.. I could have done it myself and saved me 30 bucks, if I had known that she never handled thick hair before. But Ann was happy with it, so thats all that matters. After hair time, I went back to my Dads to get Crysta ready. Terrance was a little restless and wanted to go fishing, so I offerd to take Carter to the hotel as well.. We got ready at the hotel (madness!). We were supposed to be at the gardens at 5pm for pictures!(Yes, Brandie and Ann were married at the same place, just diffrent sides of the Gardens). We were there at 4:30, and completely ready to go at 5. Although no pictures were being taken.. I still don't know why. Around 6 (the time the wedding was supposed to start) there were only a handful of guests. We assumed that most were held up in traffic, so we waited a little longer.. No one walked down the isle until 6:30. The ceremony was amazing. Brent wed Chris and Ann, so it was a little more personal for me. I cried like a baby when I saw my brother all dressed up! I am so happy for them both. Pictures hurridly followed the ceremony, then we were rushed into the reception room. From there, we watched a wonderful slide show of the 2 growing up, that my brother Ray had put together.. again, I cried like a baby. All of the cousins that I had grown up with were there except 1! Most of us haven't seen eachother for 5 or 6 years, but this was the frist time in 10 years that we were all at the same place at the same time. I was a lot of fun catching up with all of them, and I got some great pictures and memories! The reception went on until 11pm. I ended up staying the whole time. Needless to say I crashed when I got home.
We parted ways on Saturday afternoon, but not after eating at the infamous Casa Bonita! I don't think you can visit Denver and not eat there, its almost tradition now. We stoped in Hays, KS around 7pm Saturday night. Crysta and Carter swam for a while in the nasty pool, then we all crashed around 10pm. Our trip out there was great.. Well... It was great for me. I made a point to have fun, and enjoy the company of the friends and family that I don't get to see very often. I want to thank Brent for going with us, and doing Chris and Ann the honor of uniting them in marrige. Thank you to Terrance for going even though it took a lot of his vacation time. Thanks to my Daddy for housing us, and opening his home to us for the week. And thanks to Brandie and Ann, for giving me the honor of standing next to you while you were married! I had an absolute BLAST!!! Here are a few(86) pictures from Chris and Ann's party!