Leslie always has creative ideas for new blogs, and so since I am searching for something to do, so I don't have to go into the church, I figured I would try it! Thanks for the idea Les!!! However, I didn't have as much luck as Leslie did with finding good images. Most of my answers showed people, so sorry if they aren't as fun to look at!
What's your first name? "Tinner", First off I had to write Tinner, b/c if I enterd TINA, I just got some pretty bad pictures of girls.. no thanks, plus I think this is funny that someone actually got this tattoo'd on!
What is your relationship status? "Married". It will be 5 years for us next Saturday! an I get a Whoop Whoop!

What is your favorite color? "Baby Blue". All blues are my favorite, and the color of my childrens eyes are really my favorite, but I couldnt type that in.

Who is your favorite celebrity? "Adam Sandler" because I have almost all of his movies, "Kate Hudson" because I LOVE every movie shes in, and I love her momma too, and Rascal Flats"because I hall all their cd's and they are the only ones that I can put in and listen all the way through! I have so many, but I will just put these three.

What is your favorite movie? "The Notebook". I have so many,but this movie is one that I can watch over and over again, and it never gets old, and it will always make me cry!

What is your favorite Dinsey movie? "Sleeping Beauty". Loved it as a kid, and still love it today! I even wanted to name my daughter Aurora! But I like Crysta better!

Where is your dream vacation? "Tahiti" and "Africa". I choose 2 because I want to do something diffrent at each. I could sit on the beach in Tahiti, but I want to go on a safari and do service work in Africa.

What is your favorite desert? "Chocolate".Anything chocolate will do!

What do you want to do when you grow up? "Travel". I have never really traveled, and when the kiddos hopefully are out of the house, I will still be young, and I would love to travel around the world.

One word to discribe yourself? "Mommy"

My phone is a: "Razor". Yeah Yeah, everyone has this phone...

My eye color is: "Blue-ish"I say this because I hear that they look green a lot..

The car I drive is: "Altima"Not the one in this picture, but I can dream!